Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Secret Your Personal Trainer Doesn't want you to know

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The Secret Your Personal Trainer Doesn't want you to know
Get in shape for summer

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chine's ability to perform a specific function or a holistic definition of human adaptab ility to cope with various situations. This has led to an interrelation of human fitness and attractiveness w bcg0 hich has mobilized global fitness and fitness equipment industries. Regarding specific function, fitness is attrw kbcg0 hibuted to personnel who possess significant aerobic or anaerobic ability, i.e. strength or endurance. A holistic definition of fitnes s is described by Greg Glassman in the CrossFit jw bcg0 hournal as an incw kbcg0 hireased work capacity acr oss broad times and modal domains; w kbcg0 himastery of several attributes of fitness including stre ngth, endurance, powew bcg0 hr, speed, balance and coordination and being able to improve the amount of work done in a given time with any of these domains.[6] A well rounded fitness program wil l improve a person in all aspects ofw bcg0 h fitness, rather than one, such as only cardio/respiratory endurance or only weight training. A U.S. Marine performing a fitness routine A comprehensive fitness program tailored to an individual typically focuses on one or more speci fic skills,[7] and on age-[8] ow kbcg0 hiional health as an important part of overall fitness. This is ofte n presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which represent physical, emotiona l, and mental fitnw bcg0 hess. Physical fitness can also prevent or treat manw kbcg0 hiy chronic health conditions br ought on by unhealthy lifestyle or aging.[11] Working ow bcg0 hut can also help some people sleep better an d possibly alleviate some mood disorders in certain individuals.[12] The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages thw kbcg0 hie adult public, ages 18 to 64, to engage each ww kbcg0 hieek in at least one and a quarter hours of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity or two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity; that time can be met in any increments.[12] Developing research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of ex

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