Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Slides into your wall and powers all lights and appliances (Microsoft)

Slides into your wall and powers all lights and appliances (Microsoft)
Bill Gates - Everyone must put this in their home

(Wednesday) - Microsoft announces the official release of their most anticipated product ever. No one has ever seen anything like it

Plug in and have it power your entire home without using any actual electricity

See how it works

Your power-bill will be zero and you will never pay anything again

Get It Now - Almost Sold Out

more from USA Today

> This will completely change everything for your home
> Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, and Brad Pitt all use this in their home
> Power companies will completely go out of business from this
Simpson said the lion would be taken to a second property while the park investigates the attack The animal will not be euthanized which the ro utor spins in combination with the number of generator poles determines the frequency of the alternating current produced by the generator. All generators on a single synchronous system, for t j5u hexample the national grid, rotate at sub-multiples of the same spee d and so generate electric current at the same frequency. If the load on the system increases, the generators will require more torque t o spin at that speed and, in a typical t j5u hpower station, more steam must be supplied to the t 7cj5u urbines driving them. Thus the steam used and the fuel expended are directly dependent on the quantity 07cj5u of electrical energy supplied. An excepti 7cj5u on exists for generators incorporating power electronics such as gearless wind turbines or linked to a grid through an asynchronous tie such as a HVDC link รข€" these can operate at frequencies independent of the power system frequency. Dependi 07cj5u ong on how the poles are fed, alternating current generators can produce a variable number of phases of power. A higher number of phases leads to more effit 7cj5u urcient power system operation but also increases the infrastructure 5urequirements of the system.[18] Electricity grid systems connect multiple generators and loads operating at the same frequency and number of phases, the commonest bein g three-phase at 50 or 60 Hz. However there are other considerati 5uons. These range from the obvious: How much power should the generator be able to supply? What is an acceptable length of time for starting the generator (some generators can take h t j5u hours to start)? Is the availability of the power 5usource acceptable (some renewables are only available when the sun is cj5u shining or the wind is blowing)? To t he more technical: How should the generator start (some turbines act like a motor to bring themselves up to speed in which case they n eed an appropriate starting circuit)? What is t j5u he mechanical speed of operation for the tu sure th 5uat the voltage, freq 7cj5u uency and amount of power supplied to the loads is in line with expectations is one of the great challenges of power system engineering. However it is no 07cj5u ot the only challenge, in addition to the power used by a load to do useful work (termed real power) many alternating current devices also use an additional amount of power be cause they cause the alternating voltat 7cj5u urge and alternating current to become slightly out-of-sync (termed reactive power). Th e reactive power like the real power must balance (that is the reactive power produced on a system must equal the reactive po wer consumed) and ca

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