Saturday, July 18, 2015

Never Lose Your Keys Ever Again..

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y about' an individual will include his medical history, criminal record, record of his work, or his achievements in a sport[[m1]ing activity. Data that is not 'obviously ab out' a particular indiv[[m2]idual may include inform[[m2]ation about his activities. Data such have an impact on, or affect, an identifiable individual. Data from a Tracker wo uld be to identify the individual or his activ ceived/the/League/of/Nations/mandate/over/a ki/number/of/former/Ger
man/and/Ottoman/colonies./The/Britis whki h/Empire/reached/its/greates
t/extent,/covering/a/fifth/of/the/worl id's/land/surface/and/a/qua
rter/of/its/population.92/However,/the/UK/had whki /suffered/2.5/milli
n/casualties/and/finished/the/war hki /with/a/huge/national/debt.91/T
he/rise/of/Irish/Nationalism/and/disputes/ kiwithin/Ireland/over/th
e/terms/of/Irish/Hom ie/Rule/led/e whki ventually/to/the/partition/of/th
e/island/in/1921,93/and/the/Irish/ xwhki Free/State/became/independent/
with/Dominion/status/in/1922./Norther in/Ireland/remained/part/of/
in/the/old/industrial/areas,/as/well/as/pol yxwhki itical/and/social/unr
est/in/the/1930s./A/coalition/go hki vernment/was/formed/in/1931.95Th
e/UK/entered/World/War/II/by/declaring ki/war/on/Germany/in/1939,/a
fter/it/had/invaded/Poland/and/Czechoslov xwhki akia./In/1940,/Winston/
Churchill/became/prime/minister/and/head i/of/a/coalition/governme
nt./Despite/the/defeat/of/its/Euro hki pean/allies/in/the/first/year/
of/the/war,/the/UK/continued/the/fight/a kilone/against/Germany./In
/1940,/the/RAF/defeated/the/German/Luftwaffe whki /in/a/struggle/for/c
ontrol/of/the/skies/in/the/Battle/o hki f/Britain./The/UK/suffered/he
avy/bombing/during/the/Blitz./There/were/ kialso/eventual/hard-foug
ht/victories/in/the/Battle/of/the/Atlant iic,/the/North/Africa/cam
paign/and/Burma/campaign./UK/forces/ hki played/an/important/role/in/
/met/to/plan/the/p statements or itemized telephone bills will be personal data abou t the individua l operating the acc[[m1]ount or contracting for telephone services. Where da ta is not 'obviously aboutvb[[m2]' an identifiable individual it may be helpful to consider whether the data is being processed, or could easily be processed, to learn, record or deci[[m1]de something about an [[m2]identifiable individual. Informatio n may be personal data where the aim, or an incidental consequence, of the processing, is that you learn or record s

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