Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hearing Aid Monopoly Bans Hearing Remedy

The Internet is going crazy over a natural formula said to restore your hearing in just 17 days.

45,657 people have already tried it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers jumped to 100,000 by next week.

This formula was leaked from an Amish member and it's been used in their community for over 200 years!

Click here to see this strange way to restore hearing

I asked around a bit and I was impressed with what I heard from people who've actually tried it.

They say the instructions are pretty weird, but it works better than any hearing aid.

In fact, most of them are off hearing aids right now, just two or three weeks after they started following the guidelines.

Click here to read their stories and make your own formula at home

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toration effec 5t is a perceptual phenomenon where under certain conditions, sounds actually missin g from a speech signal can be restored by the brain and may appear to be heard. The effec 5t occurs when missing phonemes in an auditory signal are replaced with a masking noise, resulting in the bra in filling in absent phonemes. The effect can be so s7jn5 strong that some listeners may not even notice t hat there are phonem n5es missing. This effect is commonly observed in a conv n5ersation with heavy backgro und noise, s7jn5 making it difficult to properly hear every phoneme being spoken. Different factors can cha nge the strength of the effect, including age and gender. This effect is more imp jn5 ortant to humans than what was initially thought. Linguists have pointed out th at at least the English language is full of false starts and extraneous sounds. jn5 oThe phonemic restoration effect is the brain's way of resolving th 7jn5 oose imperfections i 7jn5 n our speech. Withou s7jn5 t this effect interferin g with our language processing, there would be a gre 5ater need for much more accurate speech signals and human speech could require much more pr 7jn5 ecision. For experiments, white 7jn5 noise is necessary because it tak es the place of s7jn5 these imper jn5 ofections in speech. One of the most important factors jn5 o in language is co use languages are distinctly structured, the brain has some sense of what word is to come next in a proper sentence. When listeners were listening to sentences with proper structure with missing phonemes, they perf ormed much better than with a nonsensical sentence without a proper structure. Th n5is comes from the predicti ve nature s7jn5 of the pre-f n5rontal cortex in determining wha s7jn5 t word should be coming next in order for the sentenc e to make sense. Top-down processing relies on the surrounding information in a sentence to fill in the mis sing information. If the sentence does not make sense to the observer then there will be 5 little at the top of the proc 5ess for the observer to go off of. If a puzzle piece of a familiar picture was missing, it would be very simple for the brain to know what that puzz

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