Sunday, July 19, 2015

Best Swing for Older Golfers

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Best Swing for Older Golfers
Your Golf Swing needs work - One easy trick in this video



d woods or irons. Once the ball comes to rest, the golfer strikes it again as many times as necessary us ing shots that are variou 6sly known as a "lay-up", an "approach", a "pitch", or a "chip", until the ball r eaches the green, where he or she then "putts" the ball into the hole (commonly called "sinking the putt" or "holing out"). The goal of getting the b f6all into the hole ("holing" the ball) in as few strokes as poss ible may be impeded by obstacles such as areas of longer grass called "rough" (usually found alongside fai rways), which both slows any ball that contacts it and makes 3zf6 s it harder to advance a ball that has stopped o n it; "doglegs", whi f6ch are changes in 6the direction of the fairway that often require shorter shots to pla y around them; bunkers (or sand traps); and water hazards such as ponds or streams.[16] In stroke play competitions played according to strict rules, each v f6player plays his or her ball until it is holed no ma zf6 tter how many stroke 3zf6 s that may take. I f6n match play it is acceptable to simply pick up one's ball and "surrender the hole" after enough strokes have been made by a player that it is mathematically im possible for the player to 6 win the hole. It is also accepta zf6 ble in informal stroke play to surrender the ho le after hitting three strokes more than the "par" rating of the hole (a zf6 "triple bogey" - see below); whil e technically a violation of R f6ule 3-2, this practice speeds play as a courtesy to others, and avoids "runaw ay scores", excessive frustration and injuries caused by overexertion. The total distance from the first tee box to the 18th green 6 can be quite long; total yardages "through the green" can be in excess of 7000 yards, and when adding in the travel distance between t 3zf6 she green of one hole a nd the tee of the next, even skill f6ed players may easily travel five miles or more during a round. At some cou rses, electric 3zf6 s golf cart 6s are used to travel between sh 6ots, which can speed-up play and allows participation by individuals unable to walk a whole round. On other courses players generally walk f6 the course, either carry ing their bag using a shoulder strap or using a "golf trolley" for their bag. Thes 6e trolleys may or may not b e battery assisted. At m zf6 any amateur tournaments including U. 6S. high school and col zf6 lege play, players are requi red to walk and to carry their own bags, but at the professional and top amateur level, as well as at high-leve l private clubs, players may be ac f6companied by caddies, who carry and manage the players' equipment and who are allowed by the rules to give advice on the play of the course.[20] A caddy's advice can only be given to the p layer or players for whom the caddy is working, and not to other competing players. Rules and regulations

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