Friday, July 10, 2015

Power Companies Suppressed This Device

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Power Companies Suppressed This Device
Crazy Engineer Humiliates Energy Fat Cats


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ich is determined by an object's movement through space, and potential energy, whi ch is a function of the position of an object within a field. It may also be conveni ent to distinguish gravitational dfh r dfh r energy, thermal energy, several types of nuclear ene rgy (which utilize potentials from the nuclear force and the weak f horce), electric energy (from the electric field), and magnetic e nergy (from the magnetic field), among others. Many of these classifications overlap; for instance, thermal energy usually consists partly of kinet hic and partly of potential energy. Some types of energy are a varying mix of fhboth potential and kinetic energy. A n example is mechanical energy which is the sum of (usually macroscopic) kinetic and po tential energy in a system. Elastic h energy in materials fh is also dependent upon electrica l potential energy dfh r (among atoms a dfh rnd molecules), as is chemical energy, which is stored and released from a res fhervoir of electrical potential energy between electrons, and the molecu les or atomic nu dfh rclei that attract them.[need quotation to verify].The list is also not nece ssarily complete. Whenever dfh rp fhhysical scientists h discover that a certain phenomenon appears t o violate the law of energy conservation, new forms are typically added that account for the discrepancy. Heat and work are special cases in that they are not properties of systems, but are instead pro perties of processes that transfer energy. In hgeneral we cannot measure how much heat or work a re present in an object, but rather only how much energy is transferred among objects in certain ways during the occurrenc fhe of a given process. Heat and work are measu dfh red as positive or negati ve depending on which side of the transfer we view them from. Potential energies are often m fheasured as positive or negative depending on whether they are gr eater or less than the energy hof a specified base st hate or configuration such as two interactin g bodies being infinitely far apart. Wave energies (such as radiant or sou

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