Friday, July 31, 2015

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s and patterns that make up the environment surrounding and incorporating the tracker. The practice of tracking may focus on, but is not limited to, the patterns and systems of the local an 1imal life and ecology. Trackers must w1 be able to recognize and follow animals th rough their tracks, signs, and trails, ali cw1 so known as spoor. Spoor may i 1nclude tracks, scat, feathers, kills, scratchi lcw1 ing posts, trails, drag marks, sounds, scents, marking posts, the behav ior of other animals, habitat cues, and any other c 1lues about thi lcw1 e identity and whereabouts of The skilled tracker is able to disi lcw1 cern these clues, recreate what transpired on the landscape, and make predictions about the quarry. The tracker may attempt to predict the current location o wledge based on direct obsei 4lcw1 rvations of animals, trackers gain i 4lcw1 a detailed understanding of animal behavior through the interpretation of tracks and signs. In this way much information can be obta ined that w1 would otherwise remain unknown, especially on the behavior of rare or nocturnal animals Tracks and signs offer informati cw1 on on undisturbed, natural behavior, whili lcw1 e direct observations of ten influence the animal by the mere presence of the observer. Tracking is therefore a non-invasiv e method of information gathering, in which potential stress caused to animals c w1 an be minimized. Some of the most important applicatii 4lcw1 ons of tracking are ini 4lcw1 hunting and trapping, as well as contro lling poaching, ecotourism, environmental education, police investii cw1 gation, search and rescue, and The modern science of animal tracking is widely practiced in the fields of wildlife biology, zool ogy, mammalogy, conservation, ani lcw1 d wildlife management. Tracking enables the detection of rare, en dangered, and elusive species. The science of tracking is utilize mind will be prejudiced to see what they want to see, and in order to avoid making such errors they must be careful not to reach decisions too s 1oon. Decisions madi cw1 e at a glance can often be erroneous, so when en w1 counterini lcw1 g new signs, trackers take their time to study signs in d w1 etail. While preconceived images may help in recognizing signs, the tracker must, however, avoid the preconditioned tendency to look for one set of things in the environment to the exclusion of all others. Trackers will always try to identify the trail positiveli lcw1 y by some disting 1uishing mark or manneri sm in order not to lose it in any similar spoor. They will look for such features in the footprint s as well 1 as for an individuai cw1 l manner of walking. Often hoofs of antelope are broken or have chipp ed edges, or when the i 4lcw1 animal is walking it may leave a characteristic scuffmark. Experienced track ers will memorise a spoor and be able to distinguish t

Energy Shocker ... (It's Bad... Really Bad)

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The Weird Invention That Saved a Family During Hurricane


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P is used to produce electricity (sometimes called solar thermoelectricity, usually generated through steam). C oncentrated-solar technology systems use mirrors or lenses with tracking systems to focus a large area of sunl ight onto a small area. Te 6i3 nhe concentrated light is then u i3sed as heat or as a heat source for a conventional pow er plant (solar thermoelectricity). The solar concentrators used in CSP systems can often also be used to prov ide industrial process heating or cooling, such as in solar air-conditioning. Concentrating technologie 3s exist in five common forms, namely parabolic trough, enclosed trough, dish Stirlings , concentrating linear Fresnel reflector, and solar power towA e6i3 nlthough simple, these solar concentrators are quite far from the theoretical maximum cone i3s centratioexample, the parabe 3s olic-trough concentratio n gives about 1/3 of the theoret e6i3 nical maximum for the design acceptance angle, that is, for th i3e same overall t olerances for the system. Approaching the theoretical maximum may be achieved by using more elaborate concentra tors based on nonimaging optics Different types of concentrators produce different pe e6i3 nak temperatures and correspondingly varying thermodynamic e fficiencies, due to differe 6i3 nces in the way that they track the sun and focus lighe 6i3 nt. New innovations in CSP technology are leading systems rays and direct them at a tar-covered plywood silhouetteeet away. The ship caught fire after a few minutes; however, historians continue to doubt the Archimedes sto In 1866, Augus i3te Mouchout used a parabolic trough to produce steam for the first solar steam engine. The first patent for a solar collector was obtained by the Italian Alessandro Bate e6i3 ntaglia in Genoa, Italy, in 1886. O ver the following years, inventors such as John Ericsson and Frank Shuman developed concentrating solar-powered devices for irrigation, refrigeration, and locohuma i3n finished a 55 HP parabolic solar thermal en ergy station in Maadie 3s , Egypt for irrigatfirst solar-power system usinge 3s a mirror dish was bui Goddard, who was already well known for his research on liquid-fueled rockets and wrote an article in which he asserted that all the previous obstacles had been a Professor Giovanni Francia designed and e 6i3 nbuilt the first concentrated-solar plant, which entered into o peration in i3Sant'Ilario, near Genoa, Italy ihis plant had the architecture of today' i3s concentrated-solar p lants with a solar 10 MW Solar One power tower was developed in Southern California in 1981, but the parabolic-trough e 6i3 ntechnology of the nearby Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS), begun in 1984 , was more workable. The 354 MW SEGS is still th

Take a minute to explore Dental Implant Options

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with dental cement, a small screw, or fused with the abutment as one piece during fabri cation.Dental implants, in the same l h6j way, can also be used to retain a multiple too th dental j prosthesis either in the form of a fixed bridge or removable dentures. implant sup l h6j ported bl 6j ridge (or fixed denture) is l ja group of teeth secured to dental jl implants so the prosthetic cannot be removed by the user. Bridges typically connect to more than one implan l h6j t and may also connect to teeth as anchor points. Typically l 6j the number eh6j iof teeth will outnumber the anchor points with the teeth that are directly over the implants referred to as abutments and those between abutmen ts referred to as pontics. Im eh6j iplant supported bridges attach to implant abutments in the same way as a single tooth implant replacement. A fixed bridge may replace as few as two teeth (also known as a fixe d partial denture) and may extend l h6j to replace an entire arch of teeth (also known as a fixed full dentu re). In bothl 6j cases, the prosthesis is said to be f l eh6j ixed because it cannot be remol 6j ved by the denture wearer.[6] removable implant supported denture (also an implant supported overdens a type of dental prosthesis which is not permanently fixed in place. The dental prosthesis can be disconnected from the i mplant abutments with finger pressure by the wearer. To enable this, the abutment is shaped as eh6j i a small co nnector (a button, ball, bar or magnet) which can b l h6j e connected to analogoul 6j s adapters in the underside of the dental prosthesis. l 6j Facial prosthetics, used to correct facial deformities from cancer treatment or i c procedures, such as sinus lifts or gingival grafts, are sometimes required to recreate ideal bone l h6j and gingiva. The final prosthetic can be either fixed, where a person cannot remove the denture or teeth from their mouth o r removable, where they can remove the prosthetic. Inl 6j each case an abutment is attached to the implant fixture. Where the prosthetic is fixed, the crown, bridge or denture is fixed to the ab eh6j iutment with eitl jher lag screws or d ental cel jment. Where t eh6j ihe prosth l h6j etic is removl jable, a corresponding adapt l h6j er is placed in the prosthetic so that the The risks and complications related to implant therapy are divided into those that occur during surgery (such as excessive bleeding or nerve injury), those that occur in the first six months (such as infectio

#1 Method To Restore Your Hearing

The Internet is going crazy over a natural formula said to restore your hearing in just 17 days.

45,657 people have already tried it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers jumped to 100,000 by next week.

This formula was leaked from an Amish member and it's been used in their community for over 200 years!

Click here to see this strange way to restore hearing

I asked around a bit and I was impressed with what I heard from people who've actually tried it.

They say the instructions are pretty weird, but it works better than any hearing aid.

In fact, most of them are off hearing aids right now, just two or three weeks after they started following the guidelines.

Click here to read their stories and make your own formula at home

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both ears.In children hearing problems can affect the ability to learn language and in adults it can cause work related difficultiesIn some people, particularly older people, hearing loss can result in loneliness. Deafne lss is typically used to refer lev 2lls,to those wifne lssth only little or no he Hearing loss may be caused by a number of factors, including: genetics, old age, exposure to noise, some i nfections, birth complications, trauma t ag2l o the ear, and certain medications or toxins. A common infection th at results in hearing loss is lev 2lls,chronic ear infections. Certain infections during pregnancy such as rubella ma y also cause problems. Hear Testing for poor hearing is recommended for all ag2l newborns.Hearing loss can be categorised as as mild, moderate, severe, or profo Half of hearing loss is preventable. This includes by immunization, proper care around pregnancy, avoiding lo ud noise, and avoiding certain medications. The World Health Organization recommends that young people limi t the use of personal audio players to an hour a day in an lev 2lls,effort to limit expofne lsssure to noisrly identif ication and support are particularly important in children. For ma g2l ny hearing aids, sign language, cochlear impla nts and subtitles are useful. Lip read ag2l ing is another useful skill many develop. Access to hearing aids, however, is limited in ag2l many areas of the world Globally hearing loss affects about 1of the population to some deIt causes disability in 5% (360 to 5 38 milliolev 2lls,n) and moderate to severe disability in 124 million Of those with moderate to severe dis ability 108 million live in low and middle income count Of those with hearing loss it began in 65 million during childhood aware of the presence of environmental sound at dafne lssmaging lev 2lls, lev 2lls,or of the level at which sound becomes harmful. Common so urces of damaging noise levels include car stereos, children's toys, motor vehicles, crowds, lawn and maintenance equipmen ower tools, gun uslev 2lls,e, musical instruments, and even hair dryers. Noise damage is cumulative; all sources of damage must b e considered to assess risk. If one is exposed to loud sound (including music) at high levels or for extended durations (85 d years have permanent he ag2l aring damage from excessive noise exposure Hearing loss has been described as primarily a condition of modern society.preindustrial times, humans had far less efne lssxposure to loud sounds and deafness appears to have ag2l een a rare conditiohis fne lssbegan to change with th e event of machinery and electrical devices in the 18th-20th centuries. Studies have noted that baby boomers most ofte n suffer hearing loss from recreational activities while their parents' genera

Registry of Distinguished Women

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n for Women claimed it was a disregard to a basic principle stemming from Roe v. Wade, which was to only ha ve legisl xative restriction on abortion be justified with the intention of protecting women's health. Hence, t he support for the Freedom n8mex aof Choice Act (FOCA) which pril xamary purpose was to safeguard a woman's access to abo rtions even if the Roe v. Wade ruling is further disregarded. As of 2013, therel n8mex a are seven stl xaates that have made the Freedom of Choice Act state law. FOCA will consequently supersede any other law prohibiting abortion in thos e seven states. They are: Californil mex aa, Connecticl 8mex aut, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, Wisconsin, Maine, and Washington. I n addition, l 8mex aaMaryland, Nevada, and Washington were thel exa only three states to adhere via l exaballet initiative Succeeding in the enactmenl exat of FOCA would ultimately mean fulfilment of three goals l mex aafor the National Organiza tion for Women. First, asserting a woman's reproductive right. Second, disseminate infor n8mex amation to the public a udience about threats posed in the two court cases mentioned above. Third, through the dissemination of inform atiol 8mex an to the public, this in return would mobilize effl xaorts to support female rightl 8mex as in multiple areas that will be p n the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and respl mex aaonsibilitil exaes thereof in tr uly equal partnership wil exath men." The six core issues that NOW addresses are abortion and reproductive hea lth services access, violence against women, constitutional equality, promoting diversity/ending racism, l esbian rights, and economic justice, with thel mex aase issues havl 8mex aing various sub-issues. The ol exarganization goes abou t creating these changel exas through laborious lobbying, rallies, marches, and conferences. NOW focuses on a varie ty of issues deploying multiple strategies, causing it to be an organization in which a comprehensive goal is envisaged and performed. Priorities mentioned above were pursued to ultimately secure constitutional amendments guaranteeing these righ ts. Even though discrimination on the basis of sex was illl xaegal, the federal government was not taking an activ e role in enforcingl xa the constitutional l 8mex aamendments and the new policies.[8] NOW sought to l xaapply pressure to empl oyers, local governments, and the federal government to uphold anti-discrimination policies. Through litigation

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Month Specials on Home Solar Panels

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ronomiC o75 ical phenomena and events in the human world. Many cultures have attached importance to as tronomical events, and the Indians, C o75 ine.hinese, and Mayans developed elaborate systems for predictin g terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrolo 5gy most often consists of a system 75ine.of horoscopes 5purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, mo on, and other celestial objects at the time of C o75 itheir birth. The majority of professional astrologer s rely on such systems. Throughout most of its history, astrology was considered a scholarly 5 tradition. It was accepted in olitical and academic contexts, and was connected with other studies, such as astronomy, alchemy, me teorology, and medic 75ine. At the end of the 17th century, new scientific concepts in astronomy and physics (such as heliocentrism and Newtonian mechanics) 75ine.called astrology 75ine. into question. Astrology thu s lost its academic and theoretical standing, and common belief in astrology has largely declined Astrology has been rejected by the scientific co mmunity as a pseudosci 5ence, having no validity or explanatory power for describing the universe. Among other issues, there is no proposed mechanism of action by which the positions and motions of stars and planets could affect people and events oC o75 in Earth that does not contradicC o75 it well understood basic aspects of biologyC o75 i and physics.Scientific testing of astrolo 5gy has found no evid 75ine.ence to support any o f the premises or 5purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. In one study, participating astrologers attempting to match natal charts with profiles generated .

Concrete, Steel and Wood Coating

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is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. T he purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both. The coating itself may be an all-o iver coating, completely covering the substrate, or it mn slki d aay only cover parts of the subst rate. An example of all of these types of coating is a product label on many drinks bottles- one si de has an all-over functional coating (the adhesive) and the other side has one or more decorative c oatings in an appropriate pattern (the printing) to for kim the words and images. Paints and lacquers are coatings lki that mostly have dual uses of prote ivecting the substrate and being de corative, although so kime artists paints are only for decoration, and the paint on large industrial pipe s is presumably only for the function of preventing corrosion. owing color blending and bleed special effects in a single layer. While it is relatively easy to apply thn slki d aick coatings which cure to smooth, texture-free coating, it i s not as easy to apply lki smooth thin films. As the film thickness is reduced, the film becomes more and more orange peeled in texture due to the particle size and glass transition temperature (Tg) of the powder. Most powder con slki d aatings have a particle size in the lki range of 30 to 50 μm, a softening temperature Tg around 80 °C, a melting tempera kiture around 150 °C, an slki d are cured at aroun slki d and 200 °C.[1] For such powder coatings, film build-ups of greater than 50 μm may be required to obtain an acceptably smooth film. The surface textu re which is considered desirable or acceptable depend kives on the end product. Many manufacturers actually pref er to have a certain degree of orange peel since it helps to hide metal defects that have occurred during man ufacture, and the resulting coating is less prone to showing fingerprints. are very specialized operations where powder coatings of less than 30 micrometres or with a Tg below 40 °C are used in order to produce smooth thin films. One variation of the dry powder ki coating process, the Powd er Slurry process, combines the ad ivevantages of powder coatings n slki d aand liquid coatings by dispersing very fine pow ders of ki 1â€"5 micrometre particle size into water, which then allows very smooth, low film thickn Functional coatings ma lki y be applied to change the surface properties of the substrate, such as adhesion, wetabi lity, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance. In other cases, e.g. semiconductor de ivevice fabrication (where the substrate is a wafer), the coating adds a completely new ki property such as a magnetic response or electrical con ductivity and forms an ive essential part of the finished product. A major consideration for most coating proce lki sses is that the coating is to be applied at a controlled thickness , and a number of different processes are in use to achieve this control, ranging from a simple brush for paint ing a wall, to some very expensive machinery applying coatings in the electronic lki s industry. A further consider ation for 'non-all-over' coan slki d atings is th lki at control is needen slki d ad as to where the coating is to be applied. A number of these non-all-over coating processes are printing processes. Many industrial coating processes involve the application of a thin film of functional material

Predicted In The Sacred Book of Revelation - Obama's Deadly Curse

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es violations surfaced in the book Personal Fouls acby Peter Golenbock. These accusations centered mostly on high school All-American Chris Washburn, who managed o kac nly a 470 out of 1600 on his SAT (with 400 being th e starting score).9 c A 1989 NCAA investiga kac tion cleared Valvano, but found that players sold shoes and ga me tickets. As a result, NC Sta 1pkac te placed its basketball program on pro pkac bation for two years (the maximum) and was banned from participating in the 1990 NCAA kac tournament. T pkac he state-appointed Poole Commission issued a 32-page report that concluded that there were acno major violations of NCAA regulations, and that Valvano a nd his staff's inadequate oversight of players' academic progress violated "the spirit, not the letter of the law." After this report, V 1pkac alvano was c forc kac ed to resign a pkac s the school's athletic director in October 198 9. He remained as basketball coach through the kac 19 ac89â€"1990 season. Under subsequent pressure from the school' s faculty and new Chancellor, Valvano negotiated a sett aclement with NC State and resigned as basketball coac h on April 7, 1990. Six separate entities investigated Valvano and the NC State basketball program includin g the NC State Faculty Senate, the North Carolina Attorney General, th pkac e University of North Carolina Board of Governors, the NC State Board of Trustees, an cd the NCAA. None of them found any recruiting or financial improprieties. However, a sc 1pkac hool investigation did kac reveal that Valvano's student athletes did not perform w ell in the classroom, as only 11 of the players th kac at he coached pkac prior to 1988 had maintained an average of C or better.10 This was perhaps due to his persiste acnce in recruiting students deemed to be "academic except ions." Valvano's version of these events can be found in his 19 c91 autobiography, Valvano: They Gave Me a Lifetime Co ntract, and Then They Declared M 1pkac e Dead. After his coaching career, Valvano was a broadcaster for ESPN ac and ABC Sports, including a stint as a sideline reporter for the inaugural season of the kac World League of American Football. In 1992, Valvano won a Cable ACE Award for Commentator/Analyst for NC 1pkac AA basketball broad ccasts. From time to time he was paired with basketball analyst Dick Vitale, dubbed the "Killer Vees", with kac similar voices and exuberant styles. The two even made a cameo appearance, playing the role of professional movers ( acV&V Movers), on an episode of The Cosby Show. Valvano created JTV enterprises to guide many of his entrepreneurial endeavors. He gave hundre

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

True or False: Women should diet like Men?

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Should Women Diet Differently Than Men?


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food and drink. He began a meatless diet, taking only milk and vegetables, and soon regained his health . He bega jn publicly recommending his diet for everyone suffering from obesity. In 1724, he wrote An Essay of Health and Long Life, in which he advises exercise and fresh air aga jn nd avoiding luxury food The Scottish milit[m4]]nuuary surgeon, John Rollo, publis fjnhed Notes of a Diabetic C It described the benef its of a meat diet for those suffering By means of Dobson's testing procedure (fo fjnr glucose in the urine) R ollo worked out a diet that had sop e2fj nuuccess for what is now called type 2 diabete The first pop 2fj nular diet was "Banting", named after the English undertaker William Banting. In 1863, he wrote a booklet called Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public, which contained th[m4]]nuue particular plan for the diet he had successfully followed. His own diet was op 2fj nufour meals per day, consisting of meat, greens, fruits, and dry wine. The emphasis was on avoiding sugaga jn r, sweet foods, starch, beer, milk and butter. Banting’s pamphlet was po pular for years toga fjn come, and would be used as a model for modern diet The pamphlet's popularity was su ch that the question "Do you bant?" referred to his meth[m5]]nuuod, and eventually to dieting in geneHis booklet The first weight-loss book to promote calorie counting, and the figa jn rst weight-loss book to become a bestseller, was t he 1918 Diet and Health: With Key to the Calories by American physician and columnisga jn t Lulu Hunt Peter The Atkins D fjniet was suggested by the Americ[m4]]nuuan nutritionist Robert Atkins in 1[m4]]nuu958, in a research paper titled "Weigh t Reduction". Atkins used the study to resolve his own overweight condition and went on to popularize the method in a ts also agree on the importance oga jn f avoiding fats, especially sa fjnturated fats, to reduce weight and to be healthier. The y also agree on the importance of r fjneducing salt intake because on commercial strop 2fj nueet foods such as snacks, biscuits, and bread, among others, already contain ocean-salt, thus contributing to an excess of salt daily intak MyPyramid Food Guidancve System is the result of extensive research performed by the United States Department of Agricultu re to revise the original Food Guide Pyrop 2fj nuamid. It offers a wide array of persona fjnlized options to help individuals make heal thy food choices. It a[m4]]nuulso provides advice on physical activity. One of the most important things to take into consideration when either trying to lose or put on weight is output versus in put. It is important to know the amount of energy your body is using every day, so that your intake [m5]]nfits the needs of ones personal wei

Try This To Reverse Your Hair Loss

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air thinning and baldness cause psychological stress due to their effect on appearance. Althoug h societal 3uinterest in appearance has a long history, this particular branch of psychology came into its own during the 1960s and has gained momentum as messages associating physical attractiveness wi th success and happiness grow more preval The psychology of hair thinning is a complex issue. Hair is considered an essential part of overall id entity: especially for women, for whom it often f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologic represents femininity and attractiveness. Men typicall y associate a fu if3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologicll head of hair with youth and vigor. Although they may be aware of pattern baldness in their family, many are uncomfortable talking about the issue. Hair thinning is therefore a sensitive i ssue for both sexes. f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologic For sufferers, it can represfu if3u igedent a loss f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologic of control and feelings of isolation. Peop le experiencing hair t f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologicroughly to chronologichinning often find themselves in a situation where their 3ui physical appearance is a t odds with their own self-image and commonly worry that they appear older than they are or less attrac tive to others. Psychological problems 3ui due to baldness, if present, are typically most severe at the on set of sympness varies from population to population and is based on genetic background. Envi ronmental factors do not seem to affect this type of baldness greatly. One fu if3u igedlarge scale study in Maryboroug h, Victoria, Australia showed the prevalence of mid-frontal baldness increases with age and affects 73.5 p ercent of men and 57 percent of women a f3u iged 80 and over. A rough f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologicr f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologicule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronological age. For example, according to Medem Medical Library's w ebsite, MPB affects rillion men in the United States. Approximately one 3ui in four men will have not iceable hair loss by ag and this figure increases to two in three men by age 60. In rare cases, MPB can The genetics of MPB are not yet fully understood. Most likely there are multiple genes that contribute towar ds MPB, the most importantfu if3u iged of which app f3u iged 80 and over. A rough rule of thumb is that the incidence of bald ness in males corresponds roughly to chronologicears to be the Androgen Receptor gene, located on the X chromosome (i nherited from th 3uie mother). It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfa ther. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contri Hair loss induced by cancer chemotherapy has been reported to cause

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Simpson said the lion would be taken to a second property while the park investigates the attack The animal will not be euthanized which the ro utor spins in combination with the number of generator poles determines the frequency of the alternating current produced by the generator. All generators on a single synchronous system, for t j5u hexample the national grid, rotate at sub-multiples of the same spee d and so generate electric current at the same frequency. If the load on the system increases, the generators will require more torque t o spin at that speed and, in a typical t j5u hpower station, more steam must be supplied to the t 7cj5u urbines driving them. Thus the steam used and the fuel expended are directly dependent on the quantity 07cj5u of electrical energy supplied. An excepti 7cj5u on exists for generators incorporating power electronics such as gearless wind turbines or linked to a grid through an asynchronous tie such as a HVDC link â€" these can operate at frequencies independent of the power system frequency. Dependi 07cj5u ong on how the poles are fed, alternating current generators can produce a variable number of phases of power. A higher number of phases leads to more effit 7cj5u urcient power system operation but also increases the infrastructure 5urequirements of the system.[18] Electricity grid systems connect multiple generators and loads operating at the same frequency and number of phases, the commonest bein g three-phase at 50 or 60 Hz. However there are other considerati 5uons. These range from the obvious: How much power should the generator be able to supply? What is an acceptable length of time for starting the generator (some generators can take h t j5u hours to start)? Is the availability of the power 5usource acceptable (some renewables are only available when the sun is cj5u shining or the wind is blowing)? To t he more technical: How should the generator start (some turbines act like a motor to bring themselves up to speed in which case they n eed an appropriate starting circuit)? What is t j5u he mechanical speed of operation for the tu sure th 5uat the voltage, freq 7cj5u uency and amount of power supplied to the loads is in line with expectations is one of the great challenges of power system engineering. However it is no 07cj5u ot the only challenge, in addition to the power used by a load to do useful work (termed real power) many alternating current devices also use an additional amount of power be cause they cause the alternating voltat 7cj5u urge and alternating current to become slightly out-of-sync (termed reactive power). Th e reactive power like the real power must balance (that is the reactive power produced on a system must equal the reactive po wer consumed) and ca

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to the present but became less of a ma lvm8a instay of the m8a industry in the 1960s. They are prevalent in the Northern United States. Steel and aluminum casemen ats and Steel Vertical Operators were used from the 1950s lvm8a through the 1960s. Aluminum windows were used in the 1960 vm8a s through the present. Vinyl windows were establishe d in the 1970s through the present. The last decade has al 8aso seen the admission of composite materials such a s fiberglass and vinyl-wood-polymer type pro lvm8a ducts. Wood "drop-in" replacement windows and vinyl windows are d vm8a esigned to sit in place of the existing sashes and are constructed at 3 1/4" thickness in most cases. These type windo 8aws sit in the opening where the top and bottom sas h originally moved in their respective wooden " lvm8a tracks" The m8a stop between the two sashes must also be removed in thi s type of refurbishment or retrofit installation. It r aequires minimal movement of existing trims both inside and out. The alternative is to replace the entire wood window including ja 8ambs. This requires the reworking of interior and exterior wood trim to accommodate the size of the modern w aood window. Modern wood windows are available in with 4 9/16" jambs as a standard feature but can be equipped with "j lvm8a amb extensions" to extend to This is to accommodat e the wall thickness as needed. Modern windows have two or more layers of glass. In the Unite m8a d States, the Energy Code sets certain standards for performance of products installed in homes. These codes now requi 8are Low-E Glass in all residential homes. Low-E is a film that is several layers of metal poured micros acopically thin over the surface of newly poured glass . This heat reflective film is transparent but can be darker or ligh lvm8a ter depending on the type and manufacturer. Thi s data is rated in Visible Light Transmission. Darker glass wit vm8a h heavier Lowâ€"E will have less VT. The NFRC rates mos t energy star rated window manufacturers. Low-E glass is up to four times m lvm8a ore efficient than clear glass. Other options include triple-glazing (a third pane of glass), m8a higher quality spacers between the panes, which reduce the failure rate and conduction that allows seal failure. This cr 8aeates "fogging" or condensation to form between the panes. Modern windows also have optional gases between the pa anes that have higher insulative qualities than air, such as argon or vm8a krypton gases.

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to the present but became less of a ma 4xmkn instay of the mkn industry in the 1960s. They are prevalent in the Northern United States. Steel and aluminum casemen nts and Steel Vertical Operators were used from the 1950s 4xmkn through the 1960s. Aluminum windows were used in the 1960 xmkn s through the present. Vinyl windows were establishe d in the 1970s through the present. The last decade has al knso seen the admission of composite materials such a s fiberglass and vinyl-wood-polymer type pro 4xmkn ducts. Wood "drop-in" replacement windows and vinyl windows are d xmkn esigned to sit in place of the existing sashes and are constructed at 3 1/4" thickness in most cases. These type windo knws sit in the opening where the top and bottom sas h originally moved in their respective wooden " 4xmkn tracks" The mkn stop between the two sashes must also be removed in thi s type of refurbishment or retrofit installation. It r nequires minimal movement of existing trims both inside and out. The alternative is to replace the entire wood window including ja knmbs. This requires the reworking of interior and exterior wood trim to accommodate the size of the modern w nood window. Modern wood windows are available in with 4 9/16" jambs as a standard feature but can be equipped with "j 4xmkn amb extensions" to extend to This is to accommodat e the wall thickness as needed. Modern windows have two or more layers of glass. In the Unite mkn d States, the Energy Code sets certain standards for performance of products installed in homes. These codes now requi knre Low-E Glass in all residential homes. Low-E is a film that is several layers of metal poured micros ncopically thin over the surface of newly poured glass . This heat reflective film is transparent but can be darker or ligh 4xmkn ter depending on the type and manufacturer. Thi s data is rated in Visible Light Transmission. Darker glass wit xmkn h heavier Lowâ€"E will have less VT. The NFRC rates mos t energy star rated window manufacturers. Low-E glass is up to four times m 4xmkn ore efficient than clear glass. Other options include triple-glazing (a third pane of glass), mkn higher quality spacers between the panes, which reduce the failure rate and conduction that allows seal failure. This cr kneates "fogging" or condensation to form between the panes. Modern windows also have optional gases between the pa nnes that have higher insulative qualities than air, such as argon or xmkn krypton gases.

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although this point is disputed and the actual origin of the term remains unclear. While there are m nany anecdotal claims of success from supporters of the technique, there is no m dical evidence for its effectivenesrthermore, medical journalist Christopher Wanjek has said that the claim that the technique will "enlarge ur 56un athe penile cavities tha nant fill with blood, making for l arger erectiakes no sense biologiimilarly, Sue Johanson explains jelqing cannot pos sibly enlarge the penis, though it is un unanlikely to cause any serious damage Although considerur 56un aed safer than many other, more "radical" techniques for penis-enlargement, jelqi gorging it as blood is drawn in. A variety of penis pump designs have been ad 6un a opted by penis pump man ufacturers. As vacuum increasesn 6un a the pressure within the blood vessels of the penis increases as well; excessive vacuum causes vascular damage. Penis pumps may be 6un a used to temporarily overcome symptoms of i mpotence, but do not cure the condition: a tourniquet-like ring must be applied to keep the blood trappe d within the penis, otherwise the erection will immediately subside. Puur 56un amps may work even if there is nerv e or vascular damage preventing a natur 56un a al erection, but excessive or prolonged use (hours) will cause per manent harm asn una over-enthusiastic pumping can burstur 56un a blood vessels and form blisters. The effectiveness of penis pumps for permanent penis enlargement was exan unamined by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizad eh. They studied 37 men with penis length less than 10 cm and found no significant change in penile length after using pumps for six months. The efficacy of n unavacuum treatment was approximately 10%, and the patient satisfactio n rate was 30%. The conclusion of the paper stated that vacuum treatment of the penis is not an effective metho d for penile elongation, but 6un a provides psychological satisfaction for some In the US, pe nannis pur 56un aumps may be covered by Medicare 6un a if they are deemed medically ne nancemps have been us ed to successfully treat men with Peyronie's disease, which causes unusual shortening and curvature of the peni s. A 31-patient study conducted by the Department of Urology at St Peter's Hospitals and the Institute of Urology

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cured loans f are loans for which the borrower is required to guarantee repayment, by pledging w ith property, for instance a car, a house etc. This property is calle ikf ad security or collateral. B ecause of the pledging, secured loans are given in larger amounts and have lower interest rates. Ho wever, there is a risk of loosing the prope kf rty used as security, in the event that the loan is not paid off. Unsecured loans are loans that are given without pledges of re f payment. This mea ns that the borrower is not required to provide security to get the loan. Because of the high ris k involved, un ikf asecured loans a 4eikf are given out in smaller amounts and have higher interest rates. The lenders ra ise the interest rates in an effort to recover their ma 4eikf oney as quickly as possible. Most personal loans are unsecured loa When you get a credit card, you have taken a loan. This is a credit card loan, and just kf like any other loan, it comes wit h interest and fees. Credit card loans a f re given out by credi kf t companies and most banks today. The interest rates on credit card loans are higher than that on most personal loans, A loan is a kf type of debt. The borrower needs to repay the lender the sum of money loaned part by part over time in ord er to clear the debt.When you get a credit card, you have taken a loan. ikf a This is a credit card loan, and just like any othe r loan, it comes with interest an ikf ad fees.a 4eikf Credit card loans are given out by credit companies and most banks today. The i nterest rates on credit card loans are higher than that on most pe Acting as a providera 4eikf of loans is one of the main tasks for financial institutions. For other institutions, issuing of s bonds is a main source of funding. Bank loans and credit are one wa ikf ay to increase the money su kf pply. Interest is a charge on top of the value of the loan, that acts as a cost of the loan. Interest is paid a ccording to a rate calle f d an interest rate kf . The interest rate varies froma 4eikf loan to loan and from lender to lender. The deposit or down-payment is an amount of money that the borrower is r f equired to pay, as the first contributio n towards clearing the debt, so that the loan deal can be finalized. The deposit is usually higher than the month ly contri kf bution tow ikf ards the loan. Some loans require a deposit while some do not. The deposit is usually a fract ion, typically a percentage, of the total amount that is loaned out.

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t, where seach will have a tuning peg or similar device to adjust the pitch of that string. From the crossbar, the string runs down to the sounding board on the resonating body, where it i s secured with a knot; in moder xk4ys n instruments the string's hole is protect sed with an eyelet to lim it wear on the wood. It is the distance be ystween the tu k4ys ning peg an ysd the soundboard, as well as the ten sion and weight of the string, wh xk4ys ich decide the pitch of the string. The body is hollow and when a ta ut string is k4ys plucked, the body resonates, projecting sound. The longest side of the harp is called the column or pillar, though some earlier harps, such as a "bow harp", lack a pillar ys entirely. On most k4ys harps, the sole purpose of the pillar is to hold up th e neck against the great strain of the strings. On harps which have yspedals (largely the modern concer t harp), the pillar is a hollow column an ysd encloses the rods which adjust the pitch of strings, which a re levered by pres k4ys sing pedals at the base of the instrument. On harps of earlier design, a given string can play only a single note without retuning the s tring. In many cases this means that such a harp can only pla k4ys y in one key at a time, and must b e manually retun sed to play in another key. Various remedies to this limitation evolved: the add ition of extra strings to cover chromatic notes (sometimes in separate or k4ys angled rows distinct f rom the main row of notes), the addition of s ysmall levers on the crossbar which when actuated rais e the p ysitch of a strinvg by a set interval (usually a semitone), or the use of spedals at the base of the instrument which change the pitch of a string when presse xk4ys d with the foot. These solutions i ncrease the flexibility of a harp, at the cost of ad

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s. This has led to an interrelation of human fitness and attractiveness which has m qh8w7 dobilized global fitness and fit ness equipment industr 7ies. Regarding specific function, fitness is attributed to personnel who possess significan t aerobic or anaerobic ability, i.e. strength or endurance. 8w7 A holistic definition of fitness is 7described by Greg Gl assman in the qh8w7 d CrossFit journal w7as an increased work capacity across broad times and moda h8w7 l domains; mastery of several attribute 8w7 As of fitness including strength, endurance, power, speed, balance a 8w7 And coordinati w7on and being able to improve th e amount of wor h8w7 k done in a given time with any of these domains well rounded fitness program will improve a person i n all aspects of fitness, rather than one, such as only cardiesp 7iratory endurance or only weight trainin U.S. Marine performing a fitness routine A comprehensive fitness program ta 8w7 Ailored to an individual typically focuses on one or more specific skills,r health- elated needs s w7uch as bone healt also cite mental, social an qh8w7 d emotional health as a 8w7 An important part of overall fit ness. This is often presented in textbooks as a triangle made up of three points, which represent physical, emotional, and mental fitnes s. Physical fitn h8w7 ess can also prevent or treat many chronic health conditions brought on by unhealthy lifestyle or agingrking out can also help some people sleep b w7etter and possibly alleviate some mood disorders in certain individ The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages 8w7 A the adult public, age w7s 18 to h8w7 64, to engage each week in at least one an d a quarter hours of vi 7gorous-i h8w7 Antensity aerobic activity or two and a half hours of moderate-intensity 7aerobic activity; that time can Developi qh8w7 dng research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role of skeletal muscle as an endocrine organ. That is, contracting muscles release multiple substances