Friday, October 16, 2015

Get Funds Now Through a Reverse Mortgage!

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Get Funds Now Through a Reverse Mortgage!
Get Funds Now Through a Reverse Mortgage!

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YDEHTMo u saBHQWCKid "deti hTPQYFFai to de, varna kat le". DoWABCMOes that sound like being close?' 'It's TWGOMBmy useless friULEYSXends, they provoked me. They sNUIGRKaid, sleep with her or elsRLCKMHe she'll never be yours.' 'You discussed this with your friends first?' 'Not everything but...' 'But stuff like "let me go fuck her today".' BefPJKQNYore I could respHHVNYKond she raiPVWTWsed a hand to silence me.'I'm going to say something now. Listen carefully. OkPUKKFTay?' she said, her voice shaky as sEPLPUXhe tried to maintEENNOEain her composure. 'Sure.' 'One, don't ever try to taBNOLLClk to me. Two, we are not friends anymore. I have promised my triKWRGVends and myself I will choose my friends carefully. Three, stop hounding me, it's disturbing. I don't want to tell my parents or the collODLLPYege auQJDIWVthorities.' 'Riya...' 'Please go now,' she said and folded her hands, as if pleaDUAIIding with me. I toOYPRPok one last look at her-her beautiful but angry and sad face, the long hair I had stroked, the lips I had kissed once - and turned around. I heard the sound of her footsteps get fainter as she walGDDIPked away. 12 Six months later AfCDXXTter my break-up, or half-break-up, with Riya, my personality changed. People in college started to call me SSS, or the Silent Saint of Stephen's. I attended every class and sat in the front row. I took notes liBKFTLke a court stenographer. I nevXFOGDer asked the professor any quesKKALUtions. I would sit with my friends in the residences but not contribute to the conversation. Initially, they tried to cheer me up. They gave me coLCVDVpies of Playboy anLJAPRd arranged booze pRTWQSarties to help me get over Riya. However, just like their earlier advice, their brQTFXNeak-up cures were useless tQVVHDoo. The only thing that helped somewhat was basketball. Every time I thought of her, I hit the court. ThrYUPBGee hours of dribbling aMMKIPnd shooting temporarily cured my heartache, if only because it left me physically exhausted. Frankly, I wGUYIMent to the courts in the hope she would comTBISTe to practice. She never did. Perhaps her father had built her a court in the backyard of 100, AuranBMNGKgzeb Road. SoEYJAHmetimes I luOBEECrked in the college corridors, waiting for her clKSRWBass tHFXJO

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