Friday, October 16, 2015

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Affordable Burial Insurance Coverage For The Whole Family.

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KAMIMIAEState-level basketball, impressive. ShorKVXELQCEtlisted for national team trials last year. Did you mCEMMONYTake it?' 'No, siYGBROKBCr.' 'Why not?' I hesiMPMAAOGNtated for a second and then gave my answer. 'I diNERYWVDBdn't go for the trials.' Basketball reminded me of hARPQFONGer. After she left, I never went to the court. 'Why?' all three of them asked together. 'I couldn't. I was under stress.' 'What kind oXOXOCYQOf stress?' said the first interviewQFQRUXFIer. 'Personal.' The other interviewers cleared their throat. They nodded their heads at eJEWOFYGXach other, communicating the need to skip SNMGTMUSthat question, 'Why do you want to do banking?' the third pCYTUQLDHanellist said. 'Because that is what you waFXHMIOLTnt me to do.' 'Excuse me?'The panellist blinked, 'Well, I need a job. Yours is one of those available. AndSKIAJQXE you pay well. So yes, I'll do whatever you want me to.' 'You don't have a preference?' 'Not really.' I don't know what made me talk like this. Perhaps it was the fact that I had given eight interviENKAAIUEews over the past two weeks and I had lied in ePCADFKKDvery one of them. I had finally had enough.RWNIKHBU I didn't want to be in Delhi anymore. I missed my mother. I wanRCGICLMPted to call her right now. 'Madhav, do you want this job?' the first panellist said. 'What's your name, sir?' I asked instead. 'Shukla. I am Pramod ShuXOSGKWQCkla. Regional manager for North IndYQFGBPLVia.' 'Mr Shukla, are you happy?' 'Excuse me?' 'You don't look happy. NoOYEYIIVAne of you look happy. Nobody wants this job. Everyone wants the money you offer. You see the differenMEIORWHQce?' The panellists looked at each other. If I had a camera, the picture of their priceless expressions could have won any photography competition.MAWYYNBB 'I like you.The first honest candidate we have had. I will hiHGHKXTIOre you,' Pramod said. The other twUNPEXLGKo looked shocked. However, they were too juRPYKOGBDnior to counter the boss's whim. 'But I don't want it,' I said and stood up. 'Why?' Pramod said. 'Private baIXCIODJVnking in Delhi. Top clients. Six lakhs a year.' 'No, sir. I am done serving rich people,' I said and left tLSILMRAKhe room. * As I walked back to my residence after the interview, for the firstFPQFDWPV

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