Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Power Companies Big Cover-Up

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Tesla Brings The Big Energy Collapse!!!

Many people claim to have found Tesla's secret project...

This short message is meant to open your eyes for the one opportunity to get the real green energy technology.

Click here for the truth...

The one and only Nikola Tesla magnetic project has been digged out and you have this one chance to get hold of its secrets that will make you angry...

...and show you what you have to do today to cut the cord with the energy fat-cats who are bleeding Americans dry, and slash your electric bill by 80% or more...without using solar panels or wind turbines.

Click Here To

Big Energy hate THIS and their lawyers will definitely try to take this video down if they catch wind of it.

A simple math tells me that you throw away more than $40 each day.

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ne tn4mb xt to her. She then put he tn4mb r head on my lap and turned on her side towards me ktn4mb , her eyes clos  ed, by all accounts fast asleep. 'You want to sleep here?' No ans tn4mb wer. I got tn4mb a sheet and pillow fr tn4mb tn4mb her. She smil ktn4mb ed in gratitude, tn4mb like a happy baby. 'I'm going,' I mouthed silently against her temple. She tn4mb shook her head.  What? I wondered to myself. Wha ktn4mb t does she want? She hel tn4mb d on to me when tn4mb I tried to tn4mb move. 'I'll stay?' I said. She didn't react. This is what girls do. At crucial moments, they won't give ktn4mb you a stra  ight answer. tn4mb What's a guy ktn4mb to do? 'I tn4mb 'll stay for a bit?' I said. She nodded. Thank God tn4mb for some guidance. 'Okay, I'm tire ktn4mb d too. If I stay, I need to lie down as well.' She moved tn4mb aside, eyes still shut, making sp tn4mb ace for me. I was shocked. Riya actually wanted me to lie down wi ktn4mb th her. I slid in next to her, as qu  ietly as possible, lest she woke up fully and c tn4mb ame to her senses. 'Sleeping?' I said, ktn4mb giving her an awkward cuddle. She nodded. Girl nonsense, again. I grinned. How could she respond if she was asleep? 'Me too, tn4mb ' I said. I think it tn4mb is acceptable, alm ktn4mb ost necessary, for men and women to lie to one another. She turned on ktn4mb her side and placed her arm around me. She also curled up a little, so tn4mb her chest would not come too close to mine. Only her arms and knees touched me. Girls are really g ktn4mb ood at such stuff. Even in sleep, they can contort themselves to maintain the boundar tn4mb ies of appropriate physical contact, I shut my eyes. Of course, I could not, just could n ktn4mb ot sleep. I wanted to hold her close. I wanted   to kiss her. Restless, I placed an arm around her. I think ktn4mb girls actually believe guys can casually place their arms around them with no other idea in ktn4mb heir heads. I didn't have courage to do an tn4mb ything else. Maybe she is getting comfortable w tn4mb ith me, my mind told me.Why risk it? Chill, Madhav, chill. tn4mb The same mind came up with a different theory a few seconds later. What if she wants you to do someth tn4mb ing? She's created the setting. Now ktn4mb if you don't act, she will ktn4mb probably think you are a wimp. Do something, Madhav. Don't just chill. The stress tn4mb of two conflic tn4mb ting ideas in my head made me restless. Riya's smooth arm on me made th tn4mb ings worse. I tossed and turned. Meanwhile, she sl ktn4mb ept. Two hours later, Riya opened her eyes. I had involuntarily poked her shoulder, I had p tn4mb ins and needles ev tn4mb erywhere from trying not to move.  'What is it?' she said sleepily ktn4mb 'You're awake?' I sa tn4mb id, all sparkly voiced. 'You woke r tn4mb ne up,' she sai ktn4mb d. 'Sorry,' I sa tn4mb id and patted her shoulder. 'Go tn4mb back to sleep.' 'Are you tense?' A shiver went ktn4mb down my spine. How did she know? God has given

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