Saturday, October 31, 2015

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I have to visit five bars,' I said and stepped out. Priya looked at Jyo qpa3se ti, confused. 'You are drunk. Come back in so we can leave. It's cold outside,' Shailesh said, in a firm but a qpa3se nnoyed voice. 'I am not d qpa3se runk,' I screamed, stumbling on the road and falling on all fours. I twisted my right ankle and it hurt like hell. 'Can you cut the drama and come back qpa3se in?' Shailesh said. The girls saw me wince and were about to step out when Shailesh stopped them. 'Are you coming or not? I'm running out of patience, bro,' he said. 'I have qpa3se to visit five bars,' I said again, still wincing from the pain of the fall. 'Chutiya,' Shailesh said. He slammed the door shut and the cab zoomed off. A few cold drops fell qpa3se on my face. I looked up at the sky. Little white snowflakes were falling everywhere. A homeless man offered a hand to help me stand up. Only the most pathetic can help the most pathet qpa3se ic. 'I have to visit five bars,' I told the homeless man. 'I'm so ashamed, I can't even look at you guys,' I said, eyes down. I sat at the dining table in Shailesh qpa3se 's house. I had brought muffins, bagels, cream cheese, fresh orange juice, takeaway coffee and fruit from Dean and Del qpa3se uca, a neighbourhood deli. Shailesh did not respond, 'When did you come back? And when did you get so much food?'Jyoti said. 'I came back at 6. I tried to sleep but the guilt wouldn't let me. So I went out a qpa3se nd got breakfast.' Jyoti said, 'You need not have bothered. We were so worried about you last night.' qpa3se 'No, we weren't,' Shailesh cut Jyoti off. I said to her,'Sorry, Jyoti. I behaved like an ass in front of your friend. I embarrassed you guys. Luckily, I wili be gone soon.' Shailesh didn't say anything. He just stared at me without a word. 'Shailesh, I'm sorry. I had too much wine. I qpa3se didn't know Greek wine was so potent,' 'That's not the point, Madhav. We all get high and have fun. You disrespected us qpa3se . Pr qpa3se iya felt horrible. You ruined a special evening,' 'I'm sorry. You are right.' 'Did you see yourself? Staggering on the road screaming “five more bars”. qpa3se What has happened to you?' 'It's sinking in finally. I might never meet Riy qpa3se a again. It is the realization t qpa3se hat my effort was a waste. It got to me yesterday.' 'You are still visiting places. Five bars, five b qpa3se ars, you kept saying. What the fuck, Madhav?' 'I never went. qpa3se I couldn't. I passed out.' 'How did you get home?'Jyoti said. 'I woke up shivering near a bus stop. Took a cab and came home.' Jyoti and Shailesh looked at qpa3se each other. 'You might be right, Shailesh. I may need a psychiatrist,' I said.

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