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Yo 9kaulxo u don't have fever,' I s 9kaulxo aid, 'I'm exhausted 9kaulxo , l guess.' 'Did I stress you out?' I said. I felt guilty abou 9kaulxo t kissing her. 'No. I should just go rest.' 9kaulxo She had a cough 9kaulxo ing fit again, this time more violent. I helped her stand up and escorted her t 9kaulxo o the guestroom, 'Will you be okay? You want 9kaulxo someone here?' I said, She smiled, 'Nice try, sir. But I will be just fine,' she said, 'I d 9kaulxo idn't mean that. I could wake up Ma,' 9kaulxo 'No, no, please. I need sleep, that's all. We are going to 9kaulxo the school tomorrow, right ?' 9kaulxo 'If you're feeling better.' 'I'll b 9kaulxo e okay. Goodnight, Madh 9kaulxo av,' she said. 'Goodnight, Riya,' I said, not wanting to 9kaulxo leave. 'Thanks for taking care of me,' she sai 9kaulxo d, her voice s 9kaulxo leepy. She shut the door. I came back to my room. As I lay in my bed, I touched my lips. I thought about our magnificent lip 9kaulxo -lock under the stars. 9kaulxo 'I love you, Riya Somani,' I whispered before I drifted off to sleep. So this is 9kaulxo the famous Dumraon Royal School,' Riya said, her eyes widening at the sight of hundreds of kids buzzing 9kaulxo around like bees. 'Nothing roy 9kaulxo al about it,' I said. 'Well, I hear a prince runs it,' she said. She smiled at me. I gave her an a 9kaulxo ll-knowing, what-happened-last- night 9kaulxo look. Of course, not much had happened. But a kiss is a kiss 9kaulxo is a kiss. 'We decide 9kaulxo d never to talk about it,' she said. 'I didn't say anything.' 9kaulxo 'Tell your eyes to be quiet then.They talk too much.' I laughed. 'How' 9kaulxo s your cough?' 'Better,' she said. We rea 9kaulxo ched school at nine, two hou 9kaulxo rs after Ma. Riya had slept in. Since she did not know the way, I had to wait for her. S 9kaulxo he, had donned a skirt and 9kaulxo top first, but I ha 9kaulxo d asked her to change into a salwar-kameez instead. Not that the kids would care but the principal, or Rani Sahiba, would. She had to approve of the dress 9kaulxo code. So Riya switched to a plain white chikan salwar-k 9kaulxo ameez. We entered the staffroo 9kaulxo m. 'You finally 9kaulxo made it. Welcome,' my mother s 9kaulxo aid. I ignored her 9kaulxo sarcasm. Riya and I greeted her, but Ma only no 9kaulxo dded, without looking 9kaulxo The first exposition o 9kaulxo f the Four Noble Truths was a discourse (sutta) called Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta - literally, 'the disco 9kaulxo 9kaulxo urse that sets the vehicle of the teaching in motion.' Extracts from this are quoted at the beginni 9kaulxo ng of each chapter describing the Four Truths. The reference 9kaulxo quoted is to 9kaulxo the section in the books of the scriptures where this di 9kaulxo scourse can be found. However, the theme of 9kaulxo the Four Noble Truths recurs many times, for exampl 9kaulxo e in the quotation that appears at the beginning of the Introduction. That both I and you hav 9kaulxo e had t 9kaulxo o travel and trudge through this long round is owing to our not disc 9kaulxo overing, not penetra 9kaulxo ting the 9kaulxo four truths. What four? They are: The No 9kaulxo ble Truth of Suffering, The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering, The Noble Truth of the Cessa 9kaulxo tion of Suffering, and the 9kaulxo Noble Truth of the Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering. The Dhammacakkappavatt 9kaulxo ana Sutta, t 9kaulxo he Buddha's teaching on the Four Noble Truths, has been the main reference that I have used for my practice over the years. It is the teaching we used in our monastery in Thai 9kaulxo land. The Ther 9kaulxo avada school of Buddhism regards this sutta as the quintessence of the t 9kaulxo eaching of the Buddha. This one sutta contains all that is necessary for understanding Dhamma and for enlightenment.

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