Friday, October 16, 2015

Stop Overpaying for electricity

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Stop Overpaying for electricity
Stop Overpaying for electricity
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IVXPSEyeKGPQFs wide open, l lay in bYYVFLed, staring at the litALTACtle flashing red light from thCAETSe smoke detector on the ceiling, The journals bothered me. Sure, they lay in the dusRJLNPtbin. However, somethBVUWXing about those torn pages, the dead person and her half-boyfriend, or whoever he was, intrigued me. Don't go there, I thought, but my mind screamed down its oYDCFYwn suggestion: Read just one page. 'Don't even think about iLOPWEt,' I said out loud. But thirty minutes later, LLUUOI switSPOQQched on the lights in my room, fisYURBThed out the journals from the dustbin and opened the firsWDBVBt volume. Most pages were too damaged to read. I tried to make sense of whTUYAGat I could. The first page dPQFUXated back nine years to 1 November 2002. Riya had written about her fifteenth birthday. One mere page, I kept thinking. I flipped through the EGLBDpages as I tried to find another readable one. 1 read one more section, and then aBTSRNnother. Three hours later, I had read whatever cDRECWould be read in the entire set. ThXCCNSe room phone rang at 5 a.m., startlinFRWIMg me. 'Your wake-up call, sir,' the hotel operator said. 'I am awake, thKKKOMank you,' I said, as I'd never slept at all. I called Jet Airways. 'I'd like to cancel a ticJIBNYket on the Patna-Mumbai flight this morning.' Pulling oFUGFDut the slip of paper with Madhav s number from the dusVHOGXbin, I texted himTAJWN: We need to tCAGLHalk. Important. At 6.30 a.m., the tall, lanky man was in my room once more. 'Make tea for both of us. The kettle is above the minibar.' He followed my instructionMKLBSs.The early morning sun highlighted his shaLAXVXrp features. He handFGELRed me a cup of tea and took a seat diagonally opposite me on the double bed. 'Should I speaDGVOJk first, or will you?' I said. 'About?' 'Riya.' He sighed. 'Do you think yNLKNJou knew her well?' 'Yes,' he said. 'You fKBPEDeel comfortable talking about her to me?' He thought for a few seconds andTJMXW nodded. 'So tell me everything. TeEJRFDll me the story of Madhav and Riya.' 'A story that fate left incomplete,' he said. 'Fate can be strangeFILBA indeed.' 'Where do I staXPDNRrt? When we first met?' 'AlLDFYQways a goQJRGOod place,' I sXCAMAaid.XQKRY

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