Friday, August 7, 2015

[[Imp]] Proof that ISIS war is coming to America - NBC Reports

US Military Concerned ISIS Fighters Returning to Caribbean will Reach US Borders

US army braces for the next round of terror attacks and there is a very serious chance that they could be on US soil already. We show you what you need to do to protect you and your family from the inminent threat.

Prepare for the worst


umma d3rized the album as "the fulfillment of whatever potential Modern Life Is War may have shown on t heir debut," going on to praise the band's songwriting chops and overall production quality of the album: "The tastefully minimal instrumentation of the percussioh o8d3 n-driven 'Young M go8d3 onan on a Spree' cre 8d3 ates a restrained rage and tension as powerful as the disc's loudest mThe tones are all immaculate, and there are no extraneo us studio tricks go8d3 on to keep the music from speaking for itself. 3 Witness sounds raw and heartfelt without sounding ards the ferry. During the h o8d3 trip to the is d3land, Patrick says that he sent other people to Plum Island to anger the Muldoons. When they reach the island they discover that the Muldoons have c 8d3 ahained up their zombies in imitations of their previous lives. They also see that the people sent to the island by Patrick have been killed. Patrick se es his daugh o8d3 ater Janet ride by h go8d3 on a horse, apparently 8d3 adead and th o8d3 urned into a zombie. Patrick attempts to gather al lies when two Muldoons attack them, shooting Crockett and 3on Kenny. The latter dies from his wounds, and is shot in the head by Patrick to prevent reanimation. Francisco realizes that he infected himself when bit off the zombie's finger and ask 3s Tomboy to shoot him to keep him from turning. Tombo d3y shoots him and is then captured by Muldoon. Patrick finds out that the dau 8d3 aghter he sh o8d3 w earlier was actually Janet's t go8d3 onwin sisth o8d3 er Jane. Janet, still alive, joins Patrick and the Guardsmen in their attack on the Muldoons. A standoff occurs at the bridge that separates the two familie 8d3 as' land, and the O'Flynn group is captured; Boy and Janet escape. Muldoon reveals his attempts to persuade the zombies to eat go8d3 onomething other than human flesh and uses Jane as a t go8d3 onest case. He tries to persuade the dead w oman to bite her horse, but instead s 3he attacks and bites her sister Janet. A melee ensues a d3nd captured zombies Scene Point Blank commended the album for its powerful emotional edge, writing "Witness breaks boundaries and sur passes dreams hardcore has not even had yet. It is elh o8d3 oquent and beautiful in every way. You will get choked up the fi

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