Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lower Your Electricity Costs this Summer

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h the support fromepartment of Energy, the companies try to come up with a design for plants with flexibility of the e sizes fW by replicating the basic module without a redesign. Each module uses hexagonal heliostat field to reflect sunlight to the salt-in ye -tube exte tye ernal thermal e receiver on top of the tower at the c enter. With many modules working together, the receivercold salt input and return hot sa lt to c ye entrally located storage. The hot salt will then be used in the generator system to generate electric ity. The new system inco e rporatese btye the experience from the Sierra S olar is a privately held company that develops concentra e ting solarant technology. The company was founded by ed business incubator Idealab ins a developer of CSe tye P plant techn ye ology. The company aims to develop a low cost alternative to fossil fuels through a combination of small heliostats, mod ular archite tye cture, and a hi eld layout design is built around the concept of scalable modules. In the direct-steam configuration, eac h module comprises overquare meterof h e eliostats arranged in two subfields - north and south - w hich track the sun and concentrate solar energy to the tower mounted receiver ye . The field layout is a simple, re gular design that eli e minates precision ye surveying and ground penetration. In the molten salt configuration a hex agonal solar field consists of oquare meters of reflector area] olar is a privately held company that develops concentrating solant technology. The company wa s founded by the e tye Pasadena-basee tye d business incuba e tor Idealas a developer of CSP plant technology. The com pany aims to develop a low cost alternative to fossil fuels through a combination of small heliostats, modular architecture, and a hi eSo e lar power unit consists of sixteen e btye heliostat fields aningle steam turbine generator set, an d a steam condenser, with a ye typical footprint of approximatelese baMW u e nits are designed to be scaled up to fit specific powee tye r requirements. In ye the molten salt configuration, 10 modules may be agg regated to build a , 50% capacity factor solar power plantants of various electric outp

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