Friday, August 21, 2015

Cook delicious egg dishes quickly

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g hen strains differ from meat production strains. As male birds of the laying strain do not lay eggs and are not se emq uitable for meat production, they are generally killed soon after they hatch Free-range q eggs are considered by some advocates to qbe an acceptable substitute to factory-fa rmed eggs. Free-range laying he emq ns are given outdoor access instead of being contained in crow ded cages. Questions on the actual living conditio mqns of free-range hens have been raised in t he United States of America, as there is no legal definition or regulations for eggs labeled as free-range in that count, white chicken mq eggs are generally regarded as industrial, and b rown or reddish ones are preferred. Small farms and smallholdings, particularly in economica dvanced nations, m qay sell eggs of widely varying colors and sizes, with combinations of white, brown, speckledeen, and blue (as laid by certain breeds, including arauca nas,eritage skyline, and mqcream legbar) eggs in t mqhe same box or carto n, while the supermarkets at the same time sell mostly eg In t mqhe United States,e emq increased public concern for animal welfare has pushed various egg producers to promote eggs under a variety of standards. The most w idespread standard in use is determined by United Egg Producers through their voluntary progra mqm of ce qrtifhe United Egg Producers program includ es guidelines regarding housing, food, water, air, living space, beak trimming, molting, handling, and transportation, however, opponents such as The Humane Soci ety have mqalleged UEP Certification is misleae emq ding and allows a significant amount of unchecked animal crueltOther standards include "Cae emq ge Free", "Natural", "Certi fied Humane", and "Certified Organic". Of these sta qndards, "Certified Humane", which carries re

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