Tuesday, August 25, 2015

45 yr old woman melts away her MUFFIN TOP using this 72 hour trick

Take these VEGGIES out of your diet!

Ok read closely.. I can't believe what my good friend Wes Virgin has discovered, but it's probably the biggest scandal in the health industry in the past decade..

Click here for the gross video.

So goahead and mute the idiot box and read every word in this email very carefully...
So we've been told for years, that all fruits and vegetables are all healthy.. Right?
Well you're in for a disturbing surprise my friend...

Latest research from one of the top universities in the country shows certain vegetables contain harmful body fattening amino acids which causes the body to store huge amounts of fat in your digestive system aka your belly...

But Not only that...

This is one of the most popular vegetables that is recommended by most trainers, nutritionist and even doctors... But you make be thinking... How can a vegetable cause you to gain weight?

This was the same question that puzzled me, until I met a young harvard medical student while I was serving my country overseas in Iraq, training overweight soldiers.

Here's Why You Should NEVER Diet Like A Man

But what blew me away was this...

He showed me a simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman, who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks...

But that wasn't the most amazing part...

All her previous medical problems and disease in her body completely vanished.

Her story actually made the 6 o' clock news because she only removed two vegetables, which I will show you here, from her diet to not only lose 37 lbs but her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old.

You can see her story here, but let me warn you of something before you do..

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you see the list of fruits and vegetables that you thought were healthy..
But after watching this short video you will be relieved because you will know exactly what healthy foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again.

To Your Success,

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in fiber intake is also recommended for regulating bowel movements. Other methods of weight loss include use of drugs and supplements that decrease c surgery may be indicated i I 7n cases of severe obesity. Two common bariatric surgic al proced tm7 ures are gastric bypass and gastric qctm7 h bandiB I 7oth can be effective at limiting the intake of food energy by reducing the size of the stomach, but as wit h any surgic ctm7 al procedure both com ctm7 e with their own riskthat sho tm7 uld be consider Dietary supplements, though widely used, are not considered a healthy option for wei ght l Many are available, but very few are effective in the long te ts also agree on t qctm7 he importance of avoiding fats, especially saturated fats, to reduc e weigh tm7 t and to be healthier. They also I 7agree on the importance of reducing salt inta e because on commercial street foods suc tm7 h as snacks, b qctm7 hiscuits, and bread, among others already contain ocean-salt, thus contributing to an excess of salt daily i Food Gui tm7 dance System is the res m7ult of extensiv ctm7 e research performed by the United State s Departmen qctm7 ht of Agriculture to revise th tm7 als make healthy food choices. It also One of the most important things to take into consideration wh qctm7 hen either trying to lose or put on weight is output versus input. I 7t is important to know the amount of energy yo ur body is using every day, so t tm7 hat your intake fits the needs of ones personal weight goa l. Someone qctm7 h wanting to lose weight would want a smaller energy intake tm7 tha I 7n what they put out .There is no specific diet everyone should be on, because everyones bodies vary, as do their intake requi Virtual gastric band use ctm7 s hypnosis to mak tm7 e th I 7e brain think the stomach is smaller than it r eally is and hence lower the amount of food ingested. This brings as a consequence weight re duction. This method is complemented with ps qctm7 hychological treatment for anxiety ma

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