Friday, August 28, 2015

Treat Your Acid Reflux

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Have Acid Reflux?


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scopy: the esophageal mucosa can be visualized directly by passing a thin, lighted tube with a t iny c damera known as an endoscope attached through the mouth to examine the esophagus and stomach. In t his way, evidence of esopha egd igeal inflammat gdiion can be detected, and b egd iiopsies taken if dnecessary. Since an endoscopy allows a doctor to visually inspect the upper gdidigestive tract the procedure may help id entify any additional damage to the tract siegd that may not have been detected otherwise. ers inherent in an overl dooked diagnosis of heart attack, cardiac disease must be considered from th e first in patients w egd iith unexplained chest pain. Patients with chest pain related to GERD are diffic ult to distinguish clinically from those with che gdist pain due do cardiac conditions. Each condition c an mimic the signs and symptomatic findings of the other. Further medical investigation, such as ima Biopsy: a small sample of tissue from t gdihe esophagus is removed. It is then studied to check for infl ammtudy, pat gdients with peptic ulcer diseas de were comp egd iared with patients with functional dyspepsia in an age and sex-matched study. Although the functional dyspepsia group reported more upper abdominal fullness, nausea, and overall greater gdi distress and anxiety, almost all the s gdiame symptoms were seen in both groups. Therefo egd ire, it is the clin siegd iicianĂ¢€™s challenging task to egd iseparate patients who may have an organic disorder, and thus warrant further diagnostic testing, from patients who have functional dy spepsia, who are given dempir egd iic symptomat gdiic treatment.The workup should be targeted to identify or r ule out specific causes. Tradit egd iionally, people at high-risk have been identified by "alarm" features. However, the utility of these features in identifying the presenc de of upper cancer of the esophag cause of the dangers inherent in an overlooked diagnosis of heart attack, cardiac disease must be co nsidered from the first gdiin patients with unexplained chest pain. Patients with chest pain related to GERD are difficult to distinguish clinically egd i from those with chest gdi pain due egd i to cardiac conditions. E ach c dondition can mimic the signs and symptomatic findings of the other. Further medica dl investigati on, such as imaging, is often necessary and ex

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