Friday, August 28, 2015

Locate Anything In Seconds Using Your iPhone or Android.

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Find Any Lost Items In Seconds Using iPhone or Android


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Typical GPS tracking systems used in commercial fleet management have two core parts: location hard ware (or tracking device) and tracking software. This combination is often refe 1ai rred to as an Automatic Vehicle Loca ition system. The tracking aidevice is most often hardwire installed in the vehicle; connected to the CAN-bus, Ignition system switch, battery. It allows collection of extra data, which later gets t ransferred to the GPS tracking server, where it is available for view iing, in most cases via a website ac cessed over the internet, wher ie fleet activity can e1ai be viewed live or historically using digital maps and an individual will include his medical history, criminal record, record of his work, or his achievement s in a sporting activi 1ai ty. Data that is not 'obviously about' a particular ind aiividual may include infor mation about his activities. Data such e1ai as personal bank statements or itemized telephone bills will be personal data about the individual operating the acc aioun 1ai t or contracting for telephone services. Where data is not 'obvio aiusly about' an identifiable individual it may be helpful to consider whether the dat a is being processed, or could easily be processed, to learn, record or decide something about an ident ifiable individual. Information may b ie personal data where the aim ai, or an incidental consequence, of the processing, is that you learn or record something about an identifiable individ GPS tracking syste 1ai ms used in commerci e1ai al fleets are often configured to transmit location and telemetry i nput data at a set update rate or when an event auxiliary equipment f, geofence border cross) triggers the unit to transmit data. Live GPS Tracking used in commercial fleets, gene rally refers to sy aistems which update reor 5 minute intervals, whilst th e ignition status is on. Some tracking sy ly carried by a moving vehicle 1ai or person, that uses the Global Positioning System to determine and track its precise location, and hence that of its ai carrier, at intervals. The recor aided location data c an be sto ired within the tracking unit, or it may be transmitted t io a central location data base, or I nternet-connected compute 1ai r, using a cellular (GPRS or SMS), radio, or satellite modem embedded in the unit. This allows the ass

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