Tuesday, August 18, 2015

[Special Report] Obama's Private Army (leaked info)

Fellow patriot,

Obama's sinister new agenda is unfolding.
There's a reason why he's disarming millions while hoarding enough ammo for a 30 year land war.
Sandy Hook's got nothing to do with it. It's way darker than that...

... and it's all explained in this controversial video... that's quickly becoming the #1 topic on the web:

Obama's darkest secret exposed

God bless you,
Alex Parker


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atcheby using natural flint and steel with tinder, is a frequent subject of both books on survi val and i wn surviv x9jw al courses. There is an emphasis placed on pra jwcticing fire-making skills before ve nturing into the wilderness. Producing fire und x9jw er adverse conditions has been made much easier by the introduction of tools such as the solar spark lighter and the fire piston. If you have a black 9jw c powder fire warm along, you can sometimes start a fire by ramming tinder down the b arrel against the powder charge. Use charred cloth jwc if available. Fire the vb 9jw gun up in the air, run and p ick up the cloth and blow it into flame. Have a supply of tinder at hand so the cloth can be placed ag ainst it to start the fi necessary water loss by perspiration be avoided in survival situations. The need for water increases with exercise A typical person will lose minimally two to maximally four liters of water per day under ordinary conditions, and more in x9jw hot, dry, or cold weather. Four to six liters of water or oth jwcer liq x9jw uids are generally required each day in the wilderness to avoid dehy 9jw drat wion and to keep the body functioning prohe 9jw . Army survival man ual does not jwcrecommend that you drink water only when thirsty, as this leads to under hydrating. Instead, water should be drunk at regular intervther groups recommend rationin Fire is presented as a tool meet x9jw ing many survival needs. The heat provided by a fire warms the body, dries wet clothes, disinfects water, and cooks food. Not to be overlooked i jwcs the psychological boost and the sense of saf ety and protection it gives. In the wild, fire can provide a sensation of home, a focal point, in addition to b eing an essential energy source. Fire wmay deter wild animals from interfering wi 9jw th a survivor, however wild animal ather regions, it is economical in low land value regions to use open land surrounding a house for vegetable ga rdening during jwcsummers and allowing strongly demanded su 9jw nlight to enter house windows from a low horizon angle during winters. As land value increases, houses are built nearer to each other. In order to preserve some of the open land, house owners may x9jw choose to allow construction on the side la wnd of their houses, but not build i n front of or behind their house in order to preserve some re x9jw mnants of open surrounding land. The back area is k nown as the back yard. The front area i

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