Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Shocking Brain Steroid

ABC NEWS August 11th, 2015 | 8:30 am EDT |

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ome in several types, 2o and perform a number of critical functions, including structural support, metabolic support, insulation, and guidance of development. Neurons, however 6tf2o , are usually considered the most important cells in the brainThe property w6tf2o that makes neurons unique is their ability to send signals to specific target c 6tf2o ells over long distances T tf2o hey send these signals by means o f an axon, which is a thin protoplasmi w6tf2o c fiber that extends from the cell body and projects, usually with numerous branches, to other areas, sometimes ne 6tf2o arby, sometimes in distant parts 2o of the brain or body w6tf2o . The leng tf2o th of an axon c f2o an be extraordinary: for example, i f a pyramidal cell, (an excita f2o tory neuron) of the cerebral cortex were magnified so that its cell body became the size of a human body its axon, equally magnified, would become a cable a few centimeters in diameter, extending more than a kilomete Thes 6tf2o e axons transm it signals in the form of electroche 6tf2o mical pulses called action potentials, which last less than a thousa w6tf2o ndth of a second and travel along the axon at speeds of meters per second. Some neurons emi 2ot action potentials constantly, at rates o per second, usually in irregular patterns; other neurons are quiet tf2o mollium evolves into a c w6tf2o omplex ayered structure callemammals, the pa ize, however, is not the only difference: there are also substantial differences in shape. The 6tf2o hindbrai 2on and midbrain of mammals are generally similar to th tf2o ose of other verteb 6tf2o rates, but dram f2o atic differences appear in the forebr f2o ain which is greatly enlarged and als o altered in structure. The cerebral cortex is w6tf2o the part of the brain that most 6tf2o strongly distinguishes mammals. In non-mammalian vertebrates, the surface of the cerebrum is lined with a comparatively simple three-layered structure ca w6tf2o lled the

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