Thursday, August 6, 2015

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sly about' an individual will include his medical history, criminal record, record of his work, or his achieve ments in a sporting activity. Data that is not 'obviously about' a particular individual may include information about his a ihzqb ctivities. Data s hzqb uch as personal bank statements or itemized telephone bills will be personal data abo ut the individual operating the account or contracting for telephone bservices. Where ihzqb data is not 'obviously about ' an identifiable individual it may be helpful to c zqb onsider whether the data is being processed, or could easily b e processed, t zqb o learn, record or decide something about an identifiable individual. Information may be personal d ata where the aim, or an inci ihzqb dental consequence, of the processing, is ths hzqb at you learn or record something about an identifiable individual, or the processing could have an impact on, or a zqb ffect, an identifiable individual. Data fr om a Tracker would be to idents zqb ify the individ bual or his activities. It is theref S logger simply logs the position of the device at regular intervals in its internal memory. Modern GPS loggers have either a memory card slot, or internal flas ihzqb h memory card and a USB port. qbSome act as a USB flash drive. This allows downloading of the track los hzqb data for further analysis in a computer b. The tracklist or point of interest list may be Most digital cameras save the time a photo was taken. Provided the camera clock was reasonabls hzqb y accurate or used GPS as its time sour qbce, this time can be correlated with qb GPS log data, to provide an accurate locas hzqb tion. This can be added to th e Exif metadata in the picturs hzqb e file. Cameras with GPS receiver built in can directly produce such a geotagged photograph. In some private investigation cases, data loggers are used to ke ample: The use of a surveillance device for providing zqb information about the location of a vehicle may involve some physic al interference wi ihzqb th that vehicle as well as subsequent directed surveillance activity. Such an operation could be authori sed by a combined authorisation for p broperty interference and, where appropriate, directed surveillance In this case, the necessity and proportionality of the property interference element of the authorisation would need to be considered by ths hzqb e appropriate ihzqb authorising officer separately to the necessity and propo rtionality zqb of obtaining private information by means of the directed surveillance. This can be interpreted to mean that placing a tracker on a vehicle without the consent of the owner is illegal unless you o btain authorisation from the Surveillance Commissionaire underSince a members hzqb of the public cannot obtai n such authorisation bs, it is therefore illegal property interference. Another interpretation is that it is illegal to do so IF you are acting under the instructi

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