Saturday, August 15, 2015

How To Drop 3 Dress Sizes In A Week..

Take these VEGGIES out of your diet!

Ok read closely.. I can't believe what my good friend Wes Virgin has discovered, but it's probably the biggest scandal in the health industry in the past decade..

Click here for the gross video.

So goahead and mute the idiot box and read every word in this email very carefully...
So we've been told for years, that all fruits and vegetables are all healthy.. Right?
Well you're in for a disturbing surprise my friend...

Latest research from one of the top universities in the country shows certain vegetables contain harmful body fattening amino acids which causes the body to store huge amounts of fat in your digestive system aka your belly...

But Not only that...

This is one of the most popular vegetables that is recommended by most trainers, nutritionist and even doctors... But you make be thinking... How can a vegetable cause you to gain weight?

This was the same question that puzzled me, until I met a young harvard medical student while I was serving my country overseas in Iraq, training overweight soldiers.

Here's Why You Should NEVER Diet Like A Man

But what blew me away was this...

He showed me a simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman, who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks...

But that wasn't the most amazing part...

All her previous medical problems and disease in her body completely vanished.

Her story actually made the 6 o' clock news because she only removed two vegetables, which I will show you here, from her diet to not only lose 37 lbs but her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old.

You can see her story here, but let me warn you of something before you do..

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you see the list of fruits and vegetables that you thought were healthy..
But after watching this short video you will be relieved because you will know exactly what healthy foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again.

To Your Success,

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derived from the diet and from liver metabolism. Under energy stress these cells may degrade their stor ed fa kt to supply fatty acids and also glyce rkrol to the circulation. These metabolic activities are regulate The location of the tissue determines its metabolic profile: visceral fat is located within the rk abdominal wal beneath th e wall of abdominal muscle) whereas "subcutaneous fat" is located b brk eneath th xpbrk e skin (and includes fat that is located in the abdominal area beneath the skin but above the abdominal muscle wall). Visceral fat was recently disc kovered to be a s ignificant producer of signaling chem rkicals, among which several are involved in inflammatory tissue resp onses. One of these is resistin w rkhich has been linked to obesity, insul xpbrk in resistance, and Type 2 diabetes. This latter r nd oils are categorized according to the number and bonding of the carbon atoms in the aliphatic ch ain. Fats that are saturated kfats have no double bonds between the carbons in the chain. Unsaturat ed fats have one or more double bonded carbons in the chain. The nomencl rkature is based on the non- acid (non-car xpbrk bonyl) end of the chain. This brk end is called the omega end or the n-end. Thus alpha-li nolenic acid is called an omegatty acid because the 3rd c xpbrk arbon from that end is the f brk irst doubl e bonded carbon in the chain counting from that end. Some oils and fats have multiple double bonds and are therefore called polyunsaturated xpbrk fats. Unsaturated fats can be further divided into cis fats, w hich are the most common in nature, and trans fats, which k are rare in nature. Unsaturated fats can b e altered by reaction with hydrogen effected by a catalyst. This action, called hydrogenation, ten ds to break k all th brk e double bonds and makes a fully saturated fat. To m pbrk ake vegetable shortening, th en, liquid cis-unsaturated fats such as vegetable o rkils are hydroge brk nated to produce satu krated fats, wh ich have more desirable physical properti xpbrk es e.g., brk they melt at a desirable temperatu and store we ll, whereas polyunsa rkturated oils go rancid when they react with oxygen in the air. However, trans fats are generated during hydrogenation as contaminants c

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