Saturday, August 8, 2015

Female Belly Fat: The TRUTH...

Take these VEGGIES out of your diet!

Ok read closely.. I can't believe what my good friend Wes Virgin has discovered, but it's probably the biggest scandal in the health industry in the past decade..

Click here for the gross video.

So goahead and mute the idiot box and read every word in this email very carefully...
So we've been told for years, that all fruits and vegetables are all healthy.. Right?
Well you're in for a disturbing surprise my friend...

Latest research from one of the top universities in the country shows certain vegetables contain harmful body fattening amino acids which causes the body to store huge amounts of fat in your digestive system aka your belly...

But Not only that...

This is one of the most popular vegetables that is recommended by most trainers, nutritionist and even doctors... But you make be thinking... How can a vegetable cause you to gain weight?

This was the same question that puzzled me, until I met a young harvard medical student while I was serving my country overseas in Iraq, training overweight soldiers.

Here's Why You Should NEVER Diet Like A Man

But what blew me away was this...

He showed me a simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman, who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks...

But that wasn't the most amazing part...

All her previous medical problems and disease in her body completely vanished.

Her story actually made the 6 o' clock news because she only removed two vegetables, which I will show you here, from her diet to not only lose 37 lbs but her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old.

You can see her story here, but let me warn you of something before you do..

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you see the list of fruits and vegetables that you thought were healthy..
But after watching this short video you will be relieved because you will know exactly what healthy foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again.

To Your Success,

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e tissue determine fns its metabolic profile: visceral fat is located within the abdominal wall (i.e., beneath the wall ovc nef abdominal muscle) whereas "subcutaneous fat" is located beneath the skin (and includes fat that is locat ed in the abdominal area beneath the skin but above the abdomi rsfn nal muscle wall). Visceral fat hrsfn em was recently discove red to be a significant producer of signaling ch hrsfn emicals (i.e., hormones) sfn , among which several rsfn are involved in inf lammatory t) sfn issue responses. One of these is resistin which has been linked to obesity ne, insulin resistance, and Ty pe 2 diabetes. This latter result i fns currently cont levision series The Fat Controller is always the same man, with the same wife and grandchildren. He is in his mid 4 0s (as evident in a newspaper article in the Great Discovery), although his voice in the UK versions sometimes hint at old age,) rsfn and he has ev rsfn en appeared with a white rsfn moustache in certai) sfn n episodes. Very little of his history is reve aled, although we do see more of his extended family, including his mother (Dowager Hatt), and his mi rsfn schievous brot her (Sir Lowham Hatt). In the first season, h fne and all the o rsfn ther human characters were made out of lead. From the se cond season onwards, they were made out of resin so they could move a rsfn round more easily. He is shown to be a qualified railway engi rsfn ne driver when he nembrings Percy to the yard for the first time. He is in charge of a ll the engines on S hrsfn emodor and seemingly has a great deal of say over other vehicles. As a young m rsfn an, he lea hrsfn emrnt to drive in Eliza beth the vintage Sentinel) sfn lorry. He has overseen the con) sfn struction of a number of lines, railway services, and has been involve d with the o nepening of several tourist attractions on Sodor. UK Narrator Michael Angelis portrayed the character with a strong Yorkshire accent, with a low gruff v rsfn oice a trait of which h as been conti) sfn nued when Pierce Brosnan briefly took over the mantle, and also w fnhen individual voice artists were brought in to voice the characters (The Fat Controller being voice hrsfn emd by Keith Wickham in the UK version, and Kerr ney Shale in the US version). In the American version, he has almost always been re

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