Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Distinguished Professionals of 2015


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n for Women claimed it was a disregard to a basic principle stemming from Roe v. Wade, which was to only ha ve legisl 8ative restriction on abortion be justified with the intention of protecting women's health. Hence, t he support for the Freedom axbw8 aof Choice Act (FOCA) which pril 8amary purpose was to safeguard a woman's access to abo rtions even if the Roe v. Wade ruling is further disregarded. As of 2013, therel axbw8 a are seven stl 8aates that have made the Freedom of Choice Act state law. FOCA will consequently supersede any other law prohibiting abortion in thos e seven states. They are: Californil bw8 aa, Connecticl xbw8 aut, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, Wisconsin, Maine, and Washington. I n addition, l xbw8 aaMaryland, Nevada, and Washington were thel w8a only three states to adhere via l w8aballet initiative Succeeding in the enactmenl w8at of FOCA would ultimately mean fulfilment of three goals l bw8 aafor the National Organiza tion for Women. First, asserting a woman's reproductive right. Second, disseminate infor axbw8 amation to the public a udience about threats posed in the two court cases mentioned above. Third, through the dissemination of inform atiol xbw8 an to the public, this in return would mobilize effl 8aorts to support female rightl xbw8 as in multiple areas that will be p n the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and respl bw8 aaonsibilitil w8aes thereof in tr uly equal partnership wil w8ath men." The six core issues that NOW addresses are abortion and reproductive hea lth services access, violence against women, constitutional equality, promoting diversity/ending racism, l esbian rights, and economic justice, with thel bw8 aase issues havl xbw8 aing various sub-issues. The ol w8arganization goes abou t creating these changel w8as through laborious lobbying, rallies, marches, and conferences. NOW focuses on a varie ty of issues deploying multiple strategies, causing it to be an organization in which a comprehensive goal is envisaged and performed. Priorities mentioned above were pursued to ultimately secure constitutional amendments guaranteeing these righ ts. Even though discrimination on the basis of sex was illl 8aegal, the federal government was not taking an activ e role in enforcingl 8a the constitutional l xbw8 aamendments and the new policies.[8] NOW sought to l 8aapply pressure to empl oyers, local governments, and the federal government to uphold anti-discrimination policies. Through litigation

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