Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bad News

Bad News

*Please find below an important message from one of our sponsors, the Laissez Faire Club. They have some special information to share with you. Thank you.*

Dear Reader,
Get ready.

Because a major scandal has broken.

It has to do with what we believe to be a conspiracy between the U.S. government and some of the biggest food producers in America.

This topic of this story is so controversial, Fox News banned a story on it from being aired. and fired the two reporters who covered it.

If you're happy with the president, do not watch this presentation.

This could be the one that finally brings him down.

CLICK HERE for the shocking story.

I'm warning you, though. What you're about to see might turn your stomach.


Doug Hill
Director, Laissez Faire Club

If you would like to opt out, click here
or send mail to:
PO Box 16580 #22445
Baltimore, MD 21217

include the laboratory groups from the Centre for g90v Infections; Centre for Emergency P reparedness and Response; the Regional Microbiology Network and their associated suppo rts. The current r 0vemit of th 90v e Centre includes infectious disease surveillance, providi ng specialist and reference microbiology and microbial epidemiology, coordinating the i nvestiga g90v tion and cause hg90v of national and uncommon outbreaks, vhelping advise government on the risks posed b y various infections and responding t 90v o international health alerts. The Centre for Emergency 0vPreparedness and Res vponse prepares for and coordinates response s to potential healthcare emergencies, including possible acts of deliberate release. In addition, bot hg90v oh basic and applied research is undertaken into understanding infectious d iseases and the Centre manufactures a number of health g90v care products, including vaccines and therapeutics. Internationally re vcognised as a world leader vin microbiology research and testing, HPA hg90v o's Porton Down Centre (formerly the Centre for Applied Microbiolo 90v Research , and prior to that the Ministry 0v of Defence's Microbiological Research Establishment) works with foreign gove vnments, international biotechnology and pharmaceutical corporations, and s tart-up and spin-out companies. The strategic goal of v the Centre is "to b 90v uild on and dev or Emergency Preparedness and Response, the Centre fo 0vr Infections, the eight regional micro biology laboratories and 37 collaborating hospital laboratories. Together, these laboratori es provide frontline diagnostic and public health microbiology services to NHS trusts and HP A healt 90v h protectio g90v n units. Its re 90v mit includes infectiou 90v s disease surveillance, providing spec ialist and reference microbiology and microbial epidemiology, coordinating the investigation and cause of national and uncommon o hg90v outbreaks, helping advise governme g90v nt on the risks posed b y various infections and responding to international health alerts. In addition, both basic and applied research

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