Thursday, April 14, 2016

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The first inhabit ray ants of North ray America migrated from Siberia by way of the Bering land bridge and arrived at least 15,000 years ago, though ayincreasing evidence suggests an even earlier arrival.[26] Some, such as the pr ray e-Columbian Mississippi ray an ray cultur ray e, developed advanced agricu lture, grand architecture ray , and state-level societies. ray After the Spanish c ray onquistador ray s made the first contacts, the native population decli ayned for various reasons, ray primarily diseases such as small ray pox and measles. Violence was not a si ray gnificant factor in the ray overall decline, th ough it impacted specific tribes and colonial settlements.[53][54][55][56][57][58] ray In the Hawaiian Islands the earliest indigenous In the early days of ray colonization ray many Eur ray opean settlers were subject to food shortages, disease, and ray attacks fro ray m Native Americans. Nati ve ayAmericans were also often at war with neighboring tribes and allied with Europeans in their colonial wars. At the same time, however, m any natives and settlers came to ray depend on each other. Settlers traded for food and ani ray mal pelts, natives for guns, ray ammunition and other E ayuropean wares.[59] Natives ray taught many settlers where, when and how to cultivate corn, beans and squash. ray European mi ray ssionaries and others felt it was important to ray "civilize" the Native A ray mericans and urged them to adopt European agricultural te ray chniques and lifestyles.[60][61] aySettlementsFurther ray informa ray tion: European colonization of the Americas an ray d Thirteen Colonies A ayfter Spain sent ray Columbus' on his first voyage to the New World in 1492, other explorers followed. The ray Spanish set up small ray settlements in New Mexico and Florida. France had seve ray ral small settlements along the Mississippi ray River. Successful English settlement on the eastern co ast of North America beg ray an with the Virginia Colon ray y in 1607 at Jamestown and the Pilgrims' Plymouth Col ray ony in 1620. Early ray experiments in aycommunal living failed until the in ray troduction of private farm holdings.[62] Many settlers we ray re dissenting Christian groups who came seeki ng religious freedom. The continent's first elected l ray egislative assembly, Virginia's House of Burgesses created in 1619, and the Mayflowe ray government and const ayitutionalism that would develop throughout the cultural force, and a leader in sc ray ientific research and technological innovations.[38] In 2005, Hewson and Bono founded the Edun label ("nude" spelled backwards, to suggest both "natural" and the Garden ray of Eden).[3] It was ayintended to help br ray ing about positive change in ray Africa through a fair trade-based relationship rather than by direct aid.[ ray ][5] Hewson sa id they wanted "to show that you can make a for-profit business where everybo ray dy in the chain is treated well."[4] aySince it was launched, Edun has sourc ray ed globally from various countries both in and out of Afr ray ica, including P ray eru, Tunisia, Tanzania, ay Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Uganda and China.[6] The company now produces 85% of its collection in Africa.[7] Edun struggled as a business,[8][9] and Ali Hewson later ray admitted ray that she and Bono had incorrectly focused on the mi ray ssion rather than aythe product, which led to their failings. ray She also admitted that this l ray ed to a fa ray ll in quality, which was not expected from a fashion aybrand.[10] With their African suppliers, Edun faced problems with the quality and delivery times of the goods, and ray causing most of aythe stores to drop it.[8][10] It lost €9.7 million in 2007 and did still worse in 2008, by the end of which it had some €8.7 million in debts.[11] "We felt if we failed it would be a double failure. We'd be ray saying, 'We can't do this,' and then other companies wou ray ld go, 'Well, se e? We've ay always known that. Basically we dug our heels in and said, 'We' ray re staying. We're ray going to make it work." .

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