Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Important Information Regarding Medicare

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Important Information Regarding Medicare

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After World War II, crime rates increased in the United States, p bm6 eaking from the 1970s to the early 190s. azbm6 Violent crime nearly bm6 quadrupled between 1960 and its peak in 1991. Property crime more than doubled over the same bm6 period. Since the 1990s, however, crime in the bm6 United States has declined bm6 steeply. Severa l theories have been pro azbm6 posed to explain this decline:The number of police officers increased considera azbm6 bly in the 1990s.[8]On September 16, 1994, bm6 President Bill Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act into law. Under the act, over $30 billion in federal aid was spent over a six-year period to improve state and local law e bm6 nforcement, prisons and crime prevention programs.[9] Proponents of th bm6 e law, includin g the President, to azbm6 uted it as a lead contrib azbm6 utor to the sharp drop in crime which occu azbm6 rred throughout the 1990s,[9] while critics have d bm6 ismissed it as an u bm6 nprecedented federal boondoggle.[9]The prison population has e bm6 xpanded since the mid-1970s.[8]Starting azbm6 in the mid-1980s, the crack cocaine market grew rapidly before declining again a decade later. Some authors have pointed towards the link between v bm6 iolent crimes a azbm6 nd crack use.[8]Legaliz azbm6 ed abortion reduced the bm6 number of children born to mothers in difficult circumstances, and d bm6 iffic bm6 ult childhood makes child bm6 ren more likely to become criminals.[10]Changing demographics of an aging population has been cited for the d bm6 rop in overall crime.[11]An bm6 other hypothesis suggests reduced lead exposure as the cause; Sch olar Mark A.R. Kleima azbm6 n writes: "Given the decrease azbm6 in lead exposure bm6 among children since the 1980s and the estimated effects of lead on crime, bm6 reduced lead expos bm6 ure could easily explain a very large proportionâ€"certainly more than halfâ€"of the crime decrease of the 1994-2 azbm6 0 bm6 04 period. A careful s bm6 tatistical study relating loc al c bm6 hanges in azbm6 lead exposure to local crime rates estimates t bm6 he fraction of the crime azbm6 decline due to lead reduction as greater than 90 percent.[12]Crime in the Un ited States has been recorded since colonization. Cri azbm6 me rates have varie bm6 d over time, with a sharp rise after 1963, reaching a broad pea bm6 k between the 1970s and ea rly 1990s. Since then, crime has declined significantly in the United States,[1] and current crime rates are approxi bm6 mately the same as those o bm6 f the 1960s.[2] Sta bm6 tistics on specific crimes are indexed in the annual Unif azbm6 orm Crime bm6 Reports by the Federa azbm6 l Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and by annual National Crime Victimizat i bm6 on Surveys by t azbm6 he Bureau of Justice Statistics.[3] In addition to th bm6 e prim azbm6 ry Uniform Crime azbm6 Report known as C bm6 rime in the United States, bm6 the FBI publishes annual reports on the status of law enforcement in the United States.[2] The report's definitions of specific crimes are consid azbm6 ered standard by many bm6 American law enforce m bm6 ent agencies.[4] According to the FBI, index crime in the United States bm6 includes violent crime and p azbm6 roperty crime.[5] Violent crime consists of four criminal offe nses: bm6 murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and a bm6 ggravated assault; property crime co bm6 nsi azbm6 sts of burglary, larceny, mo bm6 tor vehicle theft, and arson.[5]The Americ azbm6 an Civil War, widely known in the United State bm6 s as simply the Civil War as well as other names, was a civil war f azbm6 ought from 1861 to 1865 to dete bm6 rmine the survival of the Union or independence for the bm6 Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, bm6 sev bm6 en Southern slave states bm6 individually declared their s bm6 ecession from the United States of America and formed the bm6 Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, bm6 often simply called the South, grew to include eleven sta tes, and although they azbm6 claimed thirteen states and additional western bm6 territories, the Confederacy was never d bm6 iplomatically recognized by any foreign bm6 country. The s bm6 tates that remained loyal and did not declare secession were known as the Union or the North. The war h bm6 ad its origin in the factious issue of s bm6 lavery, especially the extension of slavery into the western territories.[N 1] After four years bm6 of combat, which had left up to 750,000 people, Union and Confederate, bm6 dead and had de bm6 stroyed much of the Sou azbm6 th's infrastructure, the Confederacy collapsed and slavery was abolished, beginni bm6 ng Reconstruction and the process of bm6 restoring national uni ty and guaranteeing civil rights to the freed slaves.In the 1860 presidential bm6 election, Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln, azbm6 supported banning slavery bm6 in all the U bm6 .S. territories, something the Southern states viewed as a violation of their c azbm6 onstitutional rights a bm6 nd as being part of a plan to eventually abolish slavery. The bm6 Republican Party, dominant in the North, secured a majority of the e bm6 lectoral votes, and Lincoln was bm6 elected the first Republican president, but b bm6 efo bm6 re his inaugura t bm6 ion, seven slave states wit azbm6 h cotton-based economies formed the bm6 Confederacy. The first six to secede bm6 had the highe azbm6 st proportions of slaves in their populations, a total of 48.8 percent.[12] Eight remaining slave states continued to reject calls for azbm6 secession. Outgoing bm6 Democratic azbm6 Pre azbm6 ident James Buchanan and the inc bm6 oming r bm6 ejected secession as illegal. Lincoln's March 4, 1861 inaugural addres bm6 s declared his administration bm6 would not initiate civil war. Speaking directly to bm6 "the South ern bm6 tates," he reaffirmed, "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly to bm6 interfere with the bm6 institution o azbm6 f slavery i azbm6 n the United States where it exists. I believ e I bm6 have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."[13] Confederate bm6 forces seized n azbm6 umerous feder azbm6 al forts within territory claimed by the Confe bm6 deracy. Efforts at compromise failed, and both sides prepared for war. The bm6 Confederates bm6 assumed that azbm6 European countries were so dependent on "King Cotton" bm6 that th ey wou bm6 d intervene; none did, an bm6 d none bm6 recognized the new C bm6 onfed bm6 erate azbm6 States of A bm6 merica. 3xvy2azm6 but beware thou 2azbm6 approach not too .

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