Wednesday, April 20, 2016

[important] Obamas 2nd term in danger over this - Bill OReilly Report

Bill O'Reilly: Obama's Second Term Is In Serious Trouble
By Bill O'Reilly Published April 13, 2016
Controversial documentary reveals the shocking truth


O'REILLY: What is really going on Mr. President?

OBAMA: We need to make sure that Every American Knows this

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qaf Crime in metropolitan dqaf statistical areas tends to be abo dqaf ve the national average; however, wide v dqaf ariance exists among and within qaf metropolitan area s.[67] Some re dqaf sponding jurisdictions report very l dqaf dqaf ow crime rates, while others have considerably dqaf higher dqaf rates; these variations are due to many qaf factors beyond population.[67] FBI crime statistics publications strongly caution against c dqaf omparison dqaf rankings of cities, counties qaf , metropolitan qaf statistical areas, and other reporting units without considering factors other than simply population.[67] For 2011, the metropoli qaf tan statistica l area with the highest violent crime rate was t dqaf he Memphis metr dqaf opolitan area, with a rate of 980.4 per 100,000 residents, while the metropolitan statistical area with the lowest violent crime rate was dqaf Logan dqaf metropolitan area, with a qaf rate of 47.7.[ ][69]It is quite common for crime in American c dqaf ities to be high dqaf ly concentrated in a few, often economically disadvantaged areas. For qaf example, San Ma qaf teo dqaf County, California had dqaf a population of approximately dqaf 707,000 and 17 homicides in dqaf 2001. Six of these 17 homicides took place in qaf poor East Palo Al to, which had a population of roughly 30,000. So, while East Palo Alto accounted for a mere 4.2% of the population, about one-third of t qaf he homicides qaf took place there.[70]Crime rates vary among U.S. states. dqaf [66] In 2011, the state with the lowest v dqaf iolent crime rate was Maine, with a rate of 123.2 qaf per 100,000 residents, dqaf while the state with the highest dqaf violent crime rate was dqaf Tennessee, with a rate of 608.2 per 100,000.[66] However, the Distri ct of Columb dqaf ia, the U.S. capi dqaf tal distric dqaf t, had a violent crime rate of 1,202.1 per 100,000 in 2011.[66] In 2011, the state with the h qaf ighest propert y qaf crime rate was South Carolina, with a rate of 3,904.2 per 100,000, while the dqaf state with the lowest p dqaf roperty crime rate was qaf South Dakota, with a r qaf ate of 1,817.7 per 100,000.[66] However, Puerto Rico, dqaf an unincorporated dqaf territory of the dqaf dqaf United States, had a property crime r qaf ate of 1,395.2 per 10 0,000 in 2011.[66]For regiona dqaf l comparisons, the FBI divides dqaf the United States into dqaf four regions dqaf : Northeast, Midwest, South, and West.[65] For 2011, qaf the re dqaf gion with the lowest violent cri dqaf me was the Midwest, with a rate of 349.9 per 100,000 residents, while the region with the highest violent cri me rate was the South, with dqaf a rate of 428.8 per 100,000.[65] dqaf For 2011, the region with the lowest dqaf property crime rate was the N qaf orthea qaf st, with a rat e of 2,121.8 per 100,000 residents, while the region with the highest property crime rate was the South, dqaf with a rate of 3,370.8 per 100,000.[65]Crim e qaf rates dqaf vary in the Un dqaf ited State dqaf s depending on the typ dqaf e of community.[64] Within dqaf metropolitan statistical areas, both violent qaf and property crime rat es are qaf higher than the national average; in cities lo dqaf cated outside metropolitan areas, violent crime was lower than the qaf national average, while prop erty qaf crime was higher.[64] For rural areas, both dqaf property and violent crime rates were dqaf lower than the national average.[64] qaf Further information: Chil d abuse § U.S. statistics a dqaf nd Child sexual abuse § United States and Europe qaf Accordin dqaf g to a 2001 report from UNICEF, t dqaf he United dqaf States has the highest rate of deaths from child abuse and neglect of any qaf industrialized nation, a t 2.4 per 100,000 children; dqaf France has 1.4, Japan 1, UK 0.9 and Germany 0.8. According to the US dqaf Department of Health, the state of qaf Texas has the hig qaf hest death rate, at 4.05 per 100,000 children, New dqaf York has 2.46, Oregon 1.49 and New dqaf Hampshire 0.35. [62] A UNICEF report on qaf child wellbeing stated that the United States and t dqaf he United Ki dqaf ngdom ranked low dqaf est among industrial nations with dqaf respect to the wellbeing of children.[63] qaf According to a 2004 qaf study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, looking at the period from 1981 to 1999, the dqaf United dqaf States had a lower surveyed r qaf esidential burglary rate in 1998 than Scotland, Engl dqaf and, Canada, the Netherlands dqaf , and Australia. The other two c[ dqaf [m4]]ountries included in the study, Sweden and qaf Switzerland, had on ly qaf sligh dqaf tly lower burglary rates. For the first dqaf nine years of the study period the same surveys of the public showed only qaf Australia with rates highe r qaf than the United St dqaf ates. The autho dqaf rs noted various problems in doing the dqaf comparisons including dqaf infrequent data points. (The qaf United States performed qaf five s dqaf urveys from dqaf 1995 to 1 dqaf 999 when its rate dqaf dip dqaf ped below Canada's, while Canada ran a single telephon

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