Friday, April 22, 2016

Dave Letterman cured of alzheimers

- Its Official -
Dave Letterman Replacing Colbert
In 2014, Dave said goodbye after his memory was completely lost due to Alzheimer's

He is now completely cured thanks to this

This non-invasive treatment was given to the late night host and in a matter of 3 days his brain was cleared of neurotoxic plaques which made his memory return

CBS has thanked Stephen Colbert for his services and relieved him of his duties.

This will work on anyone who is suffering

Now available for your loved one

Healing of the memories, or inner healing, or healing of the emotions has its roots in the teachings of anti-Christian and occultist, Agnes Sanford. It was carried on after her death by those she influenced, such as lay therapists Ruth Carter Stapleton (deceased sister of Jimmy Carter), Rosalind Rinker, John and Paula Sandford, William Vaswig (of Renovaré fame), Rita Bennett, and others. John Wimber, David Yonggi Cho, Robert Schuller, and Norman Vincent Peale are some of the well-known pop psychological practitioners of inner healing, but it has spread widely in so- called evangelical circles in a more sophisticated form through such "Christian" psychologists as David Seamands, H. Norman Wright, and James G. Friesen, as well as a number of lay therapists like Fred and Florence Littauer. Inner healing therapies are offshoots of Freudian and Jungian theories rooted in the occult. They have destructively impacted secular society for decades and are now taking their devastating toll within the professing Church. A variety of "memory-healing" psychotherapies are masquerading under Christian terminology and turning Christians from God to self. Among the most deadly are "regressive" therapies designed to probe the "unconscious" for buried memories which are allegedly causing everything from depression to fits of anger and sexual misconduct, and must, therefore, be uncovered and "healed." The basic teaching of inner healing is the theory that salvation or healing comes through the uprooting of negative memories or "hurts" caused by others in early childhood that are supposedly buried in the "subconscious" from where they tend to dictate our behavior without us even knowing it. Thus, the blame for one's bad behavior (a.k.a. "emotional problems") in the present is placed upon others (who are perceived to have sinned against us in the past) rather than upon ourselves where it belongs (cf. Ezekiel 18). In order to "heal" these "diseased memories," the occultic technique of visualization (which is in reality a type of sorcery or divination which has been used by shamans, witchdoctors, and sorcerers for thousands of years, and is specifically forbid by the Bible) is frequently used to recreate the distressful childhood scene, "image" Jesus (if one is a professing Christian), bringing Him into the past situation as a "spirit guide"/"healing agent," and then causing Him to sanctify the event, forgive the person who

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