Tuesday, April 19, 2016

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Theori m5es of state legitimacy[edit] ym5 Main article: L 6ym5 egitimacy (political) See also: Social co 6ym5 ntract and 6ym5 State of nature States generally rely on a claim to some for 6ym5 m of political legitimacy i 6ym5 n order to maintain d 6ym5 omination over their subjects.[61][62][63] Divine right[edit] Ma ym5 in article: Di 6ym5 vine right of kings The rise of the mo 6ym5 dern day state system 6ym5 was closely related to changes in political thought, especially concerning the changing u 6ym5 nderstandin g of legitimate state power and 6ym5 control. Early modern defenders of absolutism, such as Thomas Hobbes and Jean Bodin undermined the doctrine of the divine right of kings 6ym5 by arguing that the power 6ym5 of kings 6ym5 should be justified by reference to t 6ym5 he people. Hobbe 6ym5 s in particular went fu ym5 ther to argue that political power should be justified with reference to the individual, not just to the people understood collectively. Both ym5 Hobbes and Bodin 6ym5 thought they were de 6ym5 fending the power of kings, n 6ym5 ot advocating for d 6ym5 emocracy, but their argum 6ym5 ents about the nature of sover ym5 were fiercely resisted by 6ym5 more traditional defenders of the power of k 6ym5 ing 6ym5 s, such as Sir 6ym5 Robert Filmer in England, 6ym5 who thought that suc h defenses ultimately opened the way to more democratic claims.[citation needed] 6ym5 ym5 Rational-legal authority[edit] Main article: Rational-legal authority Max Weber identified three main sources of political 6ym5 legitimacy in his works. The first, legitimacy based 6ym5 on traditional grounds is derived fr o ym5 m a belief that things should be as they have been in the past, and that those who de 6ym5 fend these traditions have a legitimate claim to power. The ym5 second, legitimacy based on charismatic leadership is devotion to a 6ym5 leader or gr 6ym5 oup that is viewed as 6ym5 exceptionally heroic or virtuous. Th e ym5 third is rational-legal authority, whereby legitimacy is derived from the belief that a certain group has been placed in power in a legal ma nner, and that their actions are justifiable according to a specific code of written laws. Weber believed that 6ym5 the modern state is characterized ym5 primarily by appeals to rational-legal authority.[64][65][66] E ym5 tymology[edit]The word state andits cognates in so 6ym5 me other European languages (stato in 6ym5 Italian, estado in 6ym5 Spanish, état in 6ym5 French, Staat in German) ultimate ly derive from the Latin word status, meani 6ym5 ng "condition" or "status."[67] W ym5 ith the revival of the Roman law in 14th-century Europe, this Latin term came to refer to the legal 6ym5 standing of persons (such as the 6ym5 various " e ym5 states of the realm" - noble, common, and 6ym5 clerical), and in par 6ym5 ticular the special status of the king. The word also had associations with Roman ym5 ideas (dating back to Cicero) about the "s 6ym5 with the legal order of the enti 6ym5 re society 6ym5 and the ap 6ym5 paratus of its 6ym5 enforcement.[68] In E ym5 nglish, "state" came about as a contraction of the word "estate", which is similar to the old French estat and the modern French état, both of w ym5 hich signify that a person has status and 6ym5 therefore estate. The highest estates, generally those with the most 6ym5 wealth and social rank, we e ym5 those that held power.[61] The ym5 early 16th-century works of Machiavelli (especially The Prince) played a central role in 6ym5 popularizing the use of the word "state" in som ym5 6ym5 H ym5 istory[edit]The earliest forms of the state emerged whenever it became possible to centralize power in a durable way. 6ym5 Agriculture and writing are almost everywhere associated with this process: agri 6ym5 culture because it allowed for the eme 6ym5 rgence of 6ym5 a class o 6ym5 f people who did not have to spend most ym5 of their time providing for their own subsistence, and writing (or the equivalent of writing, like Inca quipus) because it made possible the centralization of vital information.[70] 6ym5 ym5 The first known states were created in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, the Inca civilization, and others, but it is only in relative ly modern times that states have almost completely displaced alternative "stateless" forms of political 6ym5 organization of societies a 6ym5 ll over the planet.[71] Roving bands of hunter-gatherers and 6ym5 even fairly sizable and complex tribal 6ym5 societies based on 6ym5 herding or agriculture have existe ym5 d without any full-time specialized state organiz 6ym5 ation, and these "stateless" forms of political organization have in fact prevailed for all of the prehistory and much of the history of the human species and civilization.[71] ym5 Initially states emerged over territories built by co 6ym5 nquest in which one culture, one set of ideals and one set of laws have been imposed by f orce or threat over diverse nations by a civilian and milita 6ym5 ry bureaucracy.[71] Currently, that is not always the case and there are multinational states, federated states and autonomous areas within states. 6ym5 ym5 Since the late 19th century, virtually the entirety of th 6ym5 e world's inhabitable land has been parcelled up in 6ym5 o areas with more or less definite borders claimed by various states. Earlier, quite large land areas had been either unclaimed or uninhabited, or inhabited by nomadic peoples who were not organised as states. However, even within present-day states there are vast areas of wilderness, like the Amazon Rainforest, which are uninhabited or inhabited solely or mostly by indigenous people (and some of them remain uncontacted). Also, there are states which do not hold de facto control over all of their claimed territory or where this control is challenged. Currently the international community comprises around 200 sovereign states, the vast majority of which are represented in the United Nations.[citation needed] ym5 6ym5 Pre-historic stateless societies[edit] A ym5 narchism is a political philosophy which considers the st 6ym5 ate immoral, unnecessary, and harmful and instead promotes a stateless 6ym5 society, or anarchy. 6ym5 An ym5 archists believe that the state is inherently an instr 6ym5 ument of domination and repression, no matter who is 6ym5 in con 6ym5 trol of it. Anarchists note that the state possesses the monopoly on the legal use of violence. Unlike Marxists, anarchists believe that revolutionary seizure of state power should not be a political goal. They believe instead that the state apparatus should be completely dismantled, and an alternative set of social relations created, which are not based on state power at all.[37][38] .

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