Wednesday, April 20, 2016

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n the United States were perpetrated using a firearm.[38]Incarce 5fration[edit] 45f Characteristics of offenders vary from the average for specific types of cri 45f mes and specific cr 45f imes. In terms of vi 45f olent crime by gender, in 2011, 80.4% of arrested persons were male and 19.6% 45f were female. 5f[21] Males were 88.2% of those arrested for homicide, while 45f females we re 45f 11.8%.[21] Among those a 45f rrested for rape in 2011, males were 98.8% and females were 1.2%.[21] For property crime in 2011, 62.9% of arre sted persons were male and 37.1% were female.[21] 45f 5f For 45f violent crime by race in 2011, 59.4% of thos 5fe arrested were white, 38.3% were black, and 2.2% were of other races.[25] For persons arres ted for homicide in 2011, 49.7% were black, 48% were white, and 2.3% were of other races.[25] For persons ar 45f rested for rape in 45f 2011, 65% were w 45f hite, 32.9% were black, and 2.1% were of other r 5faces.[25] For property crime in 2011, 68.1% of arrested persons were white, 29.5% were blac k, and 2.4% were of other races.[25]In 2011, law 45f enforcement repor 45f ted 6,222 bias-motivated incidents, known as hate crime 45f s, for which 5,731 45f offenders were identified.[28] Of these , 45f 59% were white, 20.9% were black, 7.1% were of vario 5fus races, 1.4% were Asian or Pac 45f ific Islanders, 0.8% were Native American, and 10.8% were of 45f unknown race.[28] Reporting at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (August 3, 2008), sociologists at Bowling Green State Univers 45f ity found 45f that men who attend college are more likely to comm 45f it property crimes during their college years than their non-college-attending peers. The r 45f esearch draws from three waves of data from the Nation 5fal Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and examines education, crime levels, substance 45f abuse and socializing among adolescents a 45f nd young adults.[29] Also, 45f according to Naci Mocan of the University of Colorado and Erdal Tekin of Geo 45f rgia State University, "We find that unattractive individuals commit more crime in comparison to average-looking ones, and very attractive indivi 45f duals commit less crime in comparison to those who are ave 5frage-looking."[3For 2012 45f , law enforcement made approximately 12 45f ,200,000 arrests nationa 45f lly, down 200,000 from 2011.[18][19] Arreste 5fd offenders in the United States tend to be male,[20] 45f [21] over age 18,[22][23] and white, mirroring th e 45f general population. Based on a comparison with race and ethnicity data from the 2010 Census, black 45f s disproportionately commit more crimes than av e 45f rage, Native Americans commit slightly more cr 5fimes than average, 5f whites commit slightly fewer crim 45f es than average, and Asians and Pacific Islander s 45f commit fewer crimes than average.[24][25]Each state has a set of statutes en 5fforceable within its own borders. A state has no jurisdiction outside of it 45f s borders, even though still in 45f the United States. It must request extradition fr 5fom the state 5f in which the suspect has fled. In 2014, there were 186 ,873 felony suspects outside specific states jurisdiction against whom no extradition would 45f be sought. Philadelphia h 5fas about 20,000 of these since it is near a border with four other states. The cost of ex 45f tradition 45f is estimated to cost a few hundred dollars per case.[17] C 45f haracteristics of offenders[edit] I 45f n the long term, violent crime in th 45f e United 45f States has been in 45f decline since 45f colonial times.[6] 45f However, 45f during the early 20th century, crime rate s in 45f the United 45f States were higher compared to parts of Western Europe. For example, 198 homicides were recorded in the American city of Chicago in 16, a 45f city of slightly over 2 45f mill 45f ion at the time. This level of crime was not exceptional when compared to other American cities such as New York, but was 45f much 45f higher 45f relative to European cities, such as London, whic 5fh then had 5fthree times t[[ 5fm3]]he population 45f but recorded only 45 homicides in the same year.[7] .

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