Sunday, October 4, 2015

One week cure ends 'diabetes'

Paula Deen "I prevented death with this"

Paula was fortunate enough to escape but not without this

She suffered horrbily from diabetes for years but is now back on network TV cooking

Doctors gave her this drink

Prevent Your Diabetes

Abo v725h4 ut four months had elapsed previous to my landing in Corfu and I had been eight months there although at the time I paid little attention to these circumstances My road lay through an olive grove I had arrived in its centre where a sm v725h4 all knoll stretched away on my right on whose summit was a white Greek monastery backed by so v725h4 me dark cypress trees The moon was shining brightlydanc v725h4 ing on the silver side of the olive treesand illuminating the green sward This was smo v725h4 oth and verdant My spirits were more than usually buoyant when sudde v725h4 nly my pony stopped I could not conceive the reason I looked before me Immediately in front of me was the shattered trunk of a v725h4 n old olive treeit had been blasted by lightningand sitting quietly at its footI saw my own mother Giorgio as clearly as I see you now I could not be mistaken She wore the same embroidered vest and Albanian shawl as when I had last seen her She conversed with me calmly for many minutes andwhich surprised me much at the timeI felt no dread and asked her and answered many questions She told me I should die early in a foreign land and manymany more things which I dare not repeat for I cannot contemplate the possibility of their being true At the time I told you I felt composed with v725h4 out any sense of alarm or surprise For many days afterwards however I never left my bed of

Our party and the watch were the only linge v725h4 rers on deck George wrapped Acmes silk cloak around her and then carefully assisted her in her descent to the cabin The land breeze continued to freshen and the first dawn of morning saw our party on deck scanning with near view the opposite coasts of Sicily and Italy as their vessel glided through the Faro of Messina Some pilot boatshow unlike those which greet the homew v725h4 ardbound voyager as he first hails Britains chalky cliffscrowded around the vessel offer v725h4 ing their services to guide it through the strait It was a festa day there and groups of peasants in manycoloured costumes paced up and down the mole emitting that joyous hum which is the never v725h4 failing concomitant of a happy crowd Passing through the Faro the vessels course lay by the northern coast of Sicily The current and d were ali v725h4 ke fav v725h4 ourable as it swept on by Melazzo and Lascari

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