Sunday, October 11, 2015

New gadget from Microsoft - Best in history

CNBC NEWS Breaking News - #teslaenergy
MUST READ: Why Elon Musk's Device Frightens Electric Companies
CNBC News - Oct 11, 2015

Consumer alert: The average home is saving more than 90% in energy cost with this cool device. Learn more

Electric Companies hate this guy
"It's Easy to install but our stock is limited. Better hurry and get it, your Electric company is trying to hide this from you" - Tesla

Adaptable to any household appliances - Installs in Minutes

Here Is Yours To Use On Your Home Find out today (VIDEO)

See how it works - Your electricity bill will be 0

you speak in full sentences?’ Prof. Gupta said in a firm voice. I didn’t fully understand his question. I kept quiet. ‘Do you?’ he asked again. ‘Yes, yes,’ I said, my voice like a convict’s. ‘So...why do you want to study at St. Stephen’s?’

A few seconds of silence followed. The four men in the room lpoked at me.The professor had asked me a standard question. ‘I want good college,’ I said, after constructing the sentence in my head. Prof. Gupta smirked. ‘That is some response. And why is St. Stephen’s a good college?’ I switched to Hindi. Answering in English would require pauses and make me come across as stupid. Maybe I was stupid, but I did not want them to know that.


‘Your college has a big name. It is famous in Bihar also,’ I said. ‘Can you please answer in English?’ Prof. Gupta said. ‘Why? You don’t know Hindi?’ I said in reflex, and in Hindi. I saw my blunder in their horrified faces. I had not said it in defiance; I really wanted to know why they had to interview me in English when I was more comfortable in Hindi. Of course, I didn’t know then that Stephen’s professors didn’t like being asked to speak in Hindi. ‘Professor Pereira, how did this candidate get an interview'?’ Prof. Gupta said.

That's where the money will be too. Musk has been clear that Tesla will manage the installation and maintenance of batteries for large businesses and utilities, but installation and maintenance on the consumer-focused Powerwall units will be handled by third-party installers. This could mean that Tesla Energy will make less on the smaller batteries.

Prof. Pereira seemed to be the kindest of the lot. He turned to me. ‘We prefer English as the medium of instruction in our college, that’s all.’ Without English, I felt naked. I started thinking about my return trip to Bihar. I didn’t belong hereâ€"these English-speaking monsters would eat me alive. I was wondering what would be the best way to take their leave when Piyush Yadav broke my chain of thought. ‘Bihar se ho? Are you from Bihar?’ he said. The few words in Hindi felt like cold drops of rain on a scorching summer’s day. I loved Piyush Yadav in that instant.

Tesla’s new batteries will come with integrated management software and Internet connectivity "so we can create smart micro-grids," Musk said when explaining how this fundamental change will occur. Currently, no major US cities have utilities that operate such micro-grids outside of pilot programs, so Elon Musk's enthusiasm made us wonder: what does the micro-grid of the future look like and how might Tesla's new utility-grade batteries play a role?

The ideal grid is smaller islands

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL) senior staff scientist Rob Pratt says that an ideal micro-grid has a smaller ion of customers sharing multiple, local power sourcesâ€"think a college campus or industrial park. .

to make the grid cleanerâ€"or at least as clean as what we have today.

‘Yes, sir. Dumraon.’ ‘I know.Three hours from Patna, right?’ he said. ‘You know Dumraon?’ I said. I could have kissed his feet. The three English-speaking monsters continued to stare. ‘I’m from Patna. Anyway, tell them about your achievements in basketball,’ Piyush

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