Sunday, October 25, 2015

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dolphin and the tunny and the flying fish swam with us. Some- times flights of small birds came to us from the land. Some- times the sea was thickly set with full-blown pale red bloom, the jellyfishLDHGPE that was a flower to the sight and a nettle to the touch. If a storm arose, a fury that raged and threatened, it presently swept away, and the blue laughed again. When the sun sank, there aBXWBWSrose in the east such a moon as might have been sole light to all the realms of faery. A beauty languorous and seductive was most absolute empress of the wonderful land and the wondeIYXUYBrful sea. We were in the hunting grounds, and men went not there to gather flowers. Day after day we watched foSLKIJUr Spanish sails; for the plate fleets went that wayENFFJN, and some galleass or caravel or galleon might stray aside. At last, in the clear green bay of a nameless island at which we stopped for water, we found two carrYXQIEIacks come upon the same errand, took them, and with them some slight treasure in rich cloths anOHGLJFd gems. A week later, in a strait between twoFTGDOG islands like tinted clouds, we fought a very great galleon from sunrise to noon, pierced her hull through and through and silenced her ordnance, then boarded her and found a king's ransom in gold and silver. When the fightingGIRQSE had ceased and the NXRTFEtreasure was ours, then we four stood side by side on the deck of the slowly sinking galleHGEAPIon, in front of our prisoners,KEPQQB—of the men who had fought well, of the ashen priests and the trembling women. Those whom we faced were in high good humor: they had gold with which to gamble, and wine to drink, and rich clothing with which to prank their villainous bodies, and prisoners with whom to make merry. WhenXXUEDK I ordered the Spaniards to lower their boats, and taking with them their priests and women row off to one of those two islands, the weather changed. We outlived that storm,MKUHDN but how I scarcely know. As Kirby would have done, so did I; rating my crew like hounds, turning my point this way and that, daring them to come taste the red death upon it, braving LTNDNSit out like some devil who knows he is invulnerable. My lord, swinging the cutlass with which he was armed, stood beside me, knee to knee, and Diccon cursed after me, making quarterstafJWCNYRf play with his long pike. But it was the minister that won us through. At length they laughed, and Paradise, standing forward, swore that such a captain and such

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