Friday, October 16, 2015

Become A Nursing Rock Star

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'Why?' 'I neJVSWUFPver wanted to do this course. I don't want to be neNKASOBFar my sexist relatives.' 'You could finish your deOQSPSUMgree. Go abroad later to study. Why marriage?' 'I waGBGLPNRnt adventure, travel and excitemIBUTYOSent. Rohan promises all that.' 'Are you sure?' 'Yeah. He's crazy. He keeps me entertained. He's also well settled. What's wrong with marrying him?' 'He's WVIKGLFrich.' 'So? Is that his only flaw? So am I.' 'Not a flaw. Just an observWMMLFFDation. He couAASHDBUldn't wait foTQPEUKBr you to finiTYTQUFDsh college? He wants you to drop out?' 'Well, he doDQIAFVOesn't care either way. It's his family.They want him to get married soon. My parents don't want to risk loMDTOGMVsing a mJNTDFLKatch like him, too.' 'Riya, nobodAVLVXFP drops out of cSMSYDCYollege like this.' 'People abroad do it all the time.' 'Not in India.' 'OKAPYDMOh, come on. Most of India needs a degree to get a job and make a living. I don't need that, right?' She wasn't wroJYMTPGYng. Losers like me need to study, else we have no future. People who are born at 100, AuraWRJYQWUngzeb Road can do whatever they want in life. 'Even Rohan joined an MBA and never finished it.' 'Is Rohan your boyfriend?' Well, he will be my husband,' Riya said. 'That's not what I asked.' 'We are getting closer. Of course, I always calODKJREIled him Rohan bhaiya when I was growing up, so it's an adjustment,' she said. She laughed at her own joke. I wished sXIIIIAIomeone had strangled Rohan at the 'bhaiya' stage. That bastard had seemed like trouble right from Riya's party. I wantNMWXOJTed to say something seGSSDMFCsible. I wanted to turn the tide even somewhat in my favour. Of course, God hDCYTHKEad not given me the brains to do so. Neither was my timing right. A girl giving you her wedding card is basAQMXYWIically like a giant 'Game Over' sign flashing in a video game. It is not the time to sayJXQWMPW you want her back. Or that you love her more thDCQJWMOan anything else on earth. I wJRQPTQJondered if I should act supportive. I wondered if I shCDPCTDCould ask her about the preparatUAKGACDions, or if she

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