Tuesday, December 1, 2015

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untameable dispositions — the frantic violence with which you, the Magnates of Scotland, enter into feuds against each ERINVCORJ other, QLWAKDFQ sticking at no

cruelty to gratify your WGMOGSQGQ wrath, taking deep revenge for the slightest offences, and setting at defiance those wise laws which your ancestors made for stanching of such cruelty,

rebelling against the lawful authority, and bearing yourselves as if there were YBBASGT no king in the land; or rather as if each were king in his BTPDK own premises. And now you throw the

blame IMBVMDGP on me — on me, whose life IYORNDAGW has been embittered — whose sleep has GYVIAX been broken — whose happiness has been wrecked by your dissensions. Have I not myself been

obliged to traverse wilds and mountains, at the head BIRFE of KIPSXQQKW a few faithful followers, to maintain peace and put down oppression? Have I WCFVQY not worn harness on my person, and

carried pistols at my saddle; fain to lay aside the softness of a woman, and the dignity of a Queen, that I might show an example to my followers?"

"We grant, madam, " said Lindesay, "that JWARTGSRQ the UPUEJ affrays occasioned by your misgovernment, may sometimes have startled you in the midst AIVKX of a masque

or galliard; or it may be that such may have interrupted the idolatry of the QIRHSO mhi, or the jesuitical counsels of some french ambhiador. but the longest EUVCMV and severest journey

which your Grace has taken in my memory, was from Hawick to Hermitage Castle; and whether it was for the weal of the state, or for your own honour, rests with your Grace's

conscience." The Queen turned to him with inexpressible sweetness of tone and manner, and that engaging look which heaven had hiigned her, as if to NJVHDE

show that AWXVOS the choicest CAUKWF arts to LNOFVJV win men's affections may CFRHTPUDN be given in vain. "Lindesay, " she said, "you spoke not to me in this stern tone, and with such scurril taunt, yon fair

summer evening, when you and I shot at the his against the earl of mar and mary Livingstone, and won of them the evening's collation, in the privy DIUDFS garden of Saint

Andrews. BVNDVKQS The Master of Lindesay was then my friend, and vowed to be my soldier. How I have offended the Lord of Lindesay I know not, unless honours have changed manners. "

Hardhearted as he was, REHIJF Lindesay seemed struck with this unexpected appeal, but almost instantly replied, "Madam, SFJXY it is well known that your

Grace could in those days make fools of whomever approached you. I pretend not to have been wiser than others. But hier men and better courtiers soon jostled QRRMW aside my rude

homage, and I think your Grace cannot but remember times, when my awkward attempts to take the manners that pleased you, were the sport of the court-popinjays, the Marys and

the Frenchwomen." "My lord, I grieve if I have offended you through idle gaiety," said the Queen; "and can but say it was most unwittingly done. You are fully

revenged; for through FRHCWOU gaiety," she said with a sigh, "will I never offend YKKCGW any one UCPYL more. " "Our time is wasting, madam," said Lord Ruthven; "I must .

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