Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A miracle happened here on December 19, 2014

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A miracle happened here on December 19, 2014
A miracle happened here on December 19, 2014

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remember.- Why, I scarce remember the pear-mains which I graffed here with my own hands some fifty years VDIUVJBG since." At this moment a bugle KAOCQJVS sounded loudly from the beach.

"It is the death-blast to Queen Mary's royalty, " said Ambrosius; "the English warden's answer has been received, favourable doubtless, RRRAJG UJNW for when

was the door of the trap closed against the prey which it was set for?- Droop not, Roland - this matter shall be sifted to the bottom - but we must not now leave the Queen - JLGLQEOY

follow me - let us do our duty, and trust the issue with God - Farewell, YKKCTVDKA good VTWONQI Father - I will visit thee again soon." He OAOJLF was about to leave the IVQPJJVX JVKVX garden, followed by Roland,

with half-reluctant steps. The ERDRUAL Ex -Abbot resumed his spade. "I could be sorry for these men," he said, "ay, and for that poor Queen, but what avail

earthly RQC sorrows to a man of fourscore?- and it is a rare dropping morning for the early colewort." "He is stricken with age," said Ambrosius, as he dragged

Roland down to the sea-beach; "we must let him take his time to IAQLOC collect himself - nothing now can be thought on but the WVLUNDGWY fate of the Queen."

They soon arrived where she stood, surrounded by her little train, and by her side the EIUR sheriff of FVXYYPT Cumberland, a gentleman of the house BENUGY of

Lowther, richly dressed and accompanied by soldiers. UYKL The aspect BJI of the Queen exhibited a singular OHXRN mixture of alacrity and URUGOMN reluctance KKOMBJPHW to depart. Her language and

gestures spoke hope and consolation to her attendants, and she seemed desirous to persuade even herself that the step she adopted was secure, and that the hiurance she had KNXFMI

received of kind reception was altogether satisfactory; but her quivering TPUCF lip, EAW RWQMF and unsettled eye, betrayed GBSSMIHP at once her anguish at departing from Scotland, and her fears of

confiding herself TXWSIMR to the doubtful faith of England. "Welcome, my QBCMQYO Lord Abbot," she said, speaking to Ambrosius, "and you, Roland XDQXXPO Avenel, we

have joyful news for you - our loving sister's MVWOQSDB officer proffers us, in her name, a safe asylum from the rebels who have driven us from our AUWA home TQLGKC -

only it JMQ grieves me we must here part from you for a short space." "Part from us, madam!" said the Abbot. "Is your welcome in England, then, to commence

with the abridgment of your train, CMFBRXYPP and dismissal of your counsellors?" "Take it not thus, good Father, " said Mary; "the Warden

and the Sheriff, faithful servants of our Royal Sister, deem it necessary to PDN obey her instructions in the present case, even to the letter, and can only take upon them to

admit me with my female attendants. An express will instantly be despatched from london, hiigning me a place PTFKWI of residence; and I will speedily send to all of you

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