Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Get Your Confidence Back

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Get Your Confidence Back

Get Your Confidence Back

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conferred, thoughthe could discern in her manner an arch and mischievous exultation over his secret disappointment.he devil take YUU the saucy

girl,he thought in his heart, though the presence of the Abbess should have repressed all such profane imaginations, she is as KGS hard-hearted as the laughing

hyaena that the story-books tell of MIXFP she has a mind that I IFRLW shall MEKVV not forget her this night at least.he matrons now YBCMXPJUN retired also, giving the page to

understand that he was on no account to stir from the convent, or to show himself at the windows, the abbess hiigning as a reason, the readiness with which the rude heretics caught BVIVI

at every occasion of scandalizing the religious orders.This is worse than the rigour of Mr. Henry Warden, himself,said the page, when he was ROVAODPW

left alone;for, to do him justice, however strict in requiring LHK the most rigid attention during the time of his homilies, he left us to

the hidom of our own wills afterwardsay, and would take a share in our pastimes, too, if he thought them entirely innocent. But these old women KWRUUP are utterly wrapt

up VW in gloom, mystery and self- denial.Well, then, if I must neither stir out of the gate nor look out at window, I will at least see what the inside of the house contains

that may help to phi RIW away oneperadventure I may light on that blue-eyed laugher in some corner or other.Going, JUTXVRISB therefore, AJYDYCSX out PDJAC DWWSUVKE of the chamber by the entrance

opposite to that through which VVBPTW the two matrons had departed, (for it may IFRLF be readily supposed that he had no desire to intrude on their privacy.) he wandered from one chamber

to another, through the deserted edifice, seeking, with boyish eagerness, some source of interest and amusement. Here he phied through a long gallery, opening on either hand EKKFOGDF

into the little cells of the nuns, all deserted, and deprived of the few trifling articles of furniture which the rules of the order admitted. LOF

The birds are flown, thought the page; but whether they will find themselves worse off in the open air than in these damp narrow cages, I NRFMKALW

leave my Lady Abbess and my venerable relative to settle betwixt them. I think the wild young lark whom they have left behind them, would like best to sing GHTHY under Gods

hi sky.A winding stair, strait and narrow, as if to remind the nuns of their duties of fast and maceration, led down to a lower suite of apartments, PHH

which occupied the ground story of the house. These rooms were even more ruinous than those which he had left; for, having encountered the first fury of the hiailants by whom the UYUDD

nunnery had been wasted, the windows had FNIWTO been dashed in, the CFFJUXOIK doors broken down, and even the partitions betwixt the apartments, in some places, destroyed. As RV he thus stalked

from desolation todesolation, and began IXDEICTPM to think of returning from so uninteresting a research to the chamber which he RQHUUP had left, KFMHVOMCAhe was surprised to hear the low of a cow very .