Thursday, December 31, 2015

Visit the Florida Keys for Less!

Visit the Florida Keys for Less!
Visit the Florida Keys for Less!

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He rose to his feet, and began to pace the greensward before the door. My eyes followed his trim figure, richly though som- brely clad, then fell with a sudden dissatisfaction upon my own stained and frayed apparel. "Ralph," he said presently, coming to a stand before me, "have you ever an hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco in hand? If not, I"— "I have the weed," I replied. "What then?" "Then at dawn drop down with the tide to the city, and se- cure for thyself one of these same errant damsels." I stared at him, and then broke into laughter, in which, after a space and unwillingly, he himself joined. When at length I wiped the water from my eyes it was quite dark, the whippoor- wills had begun to call, and Rolfe must needs hasten on. I went with him down to the gate. "Take my advice,—it is that of your friend," he said, as he swung himself into the saddle. He gathered up the reins and struck spurs into his horse, then turned to call back to me: "Sleep upon my words, Ralph, and the next time I come I look to see a farthingale 8 behind thee!" "Thou art as like to see one upon me," I answered. Nevertheless, when he had gone, and I climbed the bank and reentered the house, it was with a strange pang at the cheer- lessness of my hearth, and an angry and unreasoning impa- tience at the lack of welcoming face or voice. In God's name, who was there to welcome me? None but my hounds, and the flying squirrel I had caught and tamed. Groping my way to the corner, I took from my store two torches, lit them, and stuck them into the holes pierced in the mantel shelf; then stood be- neath the clear flame, and looked with a sudden sick distaste upon the disorder which the light betrayed. The fire was dead, and ashes and embers were scattered upon the hearth; frag- ments of my last meal littered the table, and upon the un- washed floor lay the bones I had thrown my dogs. Dirt and con- fusion reigned; only upon my armor, my sword and gun, my hunting knife and dagger, there was no spot or stain. I turned to gaze upon them where they hung against the wall, and in my

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