Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Why Men Run..

Why Men Run...

Hey, it's Mike . .

Question for you:

You ever wonder why men "disconnect" from women and suddenly put up these huge emotional walls?

I bet you have.

Actually, I bet you've been in this exact situation...

You meet a guy, and at first he seems like the the man of your dreams.

He's handsome.

He has a job. =-)

He doesn't just pursue you, he hunts you.

He whispers sweet nothings in your ear.

You can feel his gaze on you like a laser...like you're the only woman in the world for him.

And you feel yourself little-by-little, bit-by-bit opening up to him and falling for him.

You feel yourself truly giving yourself to him.

Trusting him with your heart.

And it goes on for a while...

Weeks. Months.

Heck, maybe you even move in together.

Maybe you even have a couple of kids or get married.

But then one day... everything changes.

Suddenly he just "turns off."

He stops calling.

He stops wooing you.

Maybe he just disappears.

Or even if he's there physically (even if he's lying there in bed next to you each and every night) it's like he's just . . .


Honestly, this is a REALLY common situation (heck, spend two minutes on my Facebook wall and you'll see a TON of these kinds of questions.)

And there are actually a BUNCH of reasons guys "turn off" like this.

One of the reasons is "The Death Of Possibility", which is a concept I'm going to let you in on in a few days. (It might hurt a little.)

But one of the biggest reasons has to do with a concept I call: "Emotional Castration."

(Sounds painful, huh?)

Now Emotional Castration is a concept I go into a lot of detail on in "The Secret Survey", but the short version is that guys "turn" off and "shut down emotionally" because most women don't know how to "receive" a man's love and affection (...or they actually "deflect" what a guy is trying to tell them.)

"I love you," he says.

"Do you really? Are you sure? Do you really, really love me? Prove you love me."

And after a while a guy gets worn down and brutalized so much from having his affection rebuffed that he just stops trying.

This is also one of the reasons why men stop CHASING women, by the way... (more on that coming soon.)



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