Wednesday, December 2, 2015


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"Do you see those four g2h6txnb closed windows up g2h6txnb there on g2h6txnb that balcony? In the early days of August, that terrib g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb le August of last 5w4ice year, so heavily laden with storms and disaste g2h6txnb rs, I was called there to see a case of apoplexy. I g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb t was the apartment of Colonel Jouve, a cuirassier of the First Empire, an old enthusiast on the subject g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb of glory and patrio  tism, who had come to live on the 5w4ice Champs-Élysées, in an apartment with a balcony, at the outbreak o 5w4ice f the war. Guess why? In order to witness the triumphant return of our troops. Poor old fel g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb low! The news of Wissembourg reached him just as he was leaving the table. When he read the name of Na 5w4ice poleon at the foot of that bul g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb letin of defeat, he fell like a log. "I found the former cuirassier stretched out at full   length on the carpet, his face covered with blood, and as lifeless as g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb if he had received a blow on the head from a poleaxe. He must have been very tall when he was st g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb anding; lying the 5w4ice re, he looked enormo 5w4ice us. Handsome fea 5w4ice tures, magnificent teeth, a fleece of curly white hair, eighty years with the appearance of sixty. Beside him was his granddaughter, on her knees and bathed in tears. She looke g2h6txnb g2h6txnb d like him. On g2h6txnb e who saw them side by side might have taken them for two beauti g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb ful Greek medallions, struck from 5w4ice the same die, one of which was ol 5w4ice d and earth-coloured, a little roughened on the e g2h6txnb g2h6txnb g2h6txnb dges, the other resplendent and clean-cut, in all the brilliancy and smoothness of a fresh impres 5w4ice sion.  "The child's grief touched me. Daughter and granddaughter of soldiers, her father was on MacMahon's staff, and the image of that 5w4ice tall old man stret 5w4ice ched out before her evoked in her mind another image no less terrible. I comforted her as best I could, but in reality I had little hope. We had to do with a case of complete paralysis on one side 5w4ice ,   and at eighty years of age few 5w4ice people recover from it. For three days the

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