Saturday, December 5, 2015

Exclusively Designed Christmas Gifts

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Exclusively Designed Christmas Gifts

Exclusively Designed Christmas Gifts

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make him brook the stab, and my Lady made me brook the 'Begone;' so adieu to the page's office and the fair Castle of Avenel MYKAPSX — I had not LKENGXOER travelled far before I met my

venerable parent — And so RDELN tell your tale, DQXXMRBL fair gentlewoman, for mine is FAXHKXY done. " "A happy grandmother," said EVMODA the maiden, "who had the luck

to find the stray page just when his mistress had slipped his leash, and a most lucky page that has jumped at once from XDQE a UIH page to an old lady's gentleman-usher!"

"All YVWEPUCCO this is nothing of your history, " answered Roland Graeme, FNWGLEQMF began to be much interested WKRONTO in the congenial vivacity of this facetious

young gentlewoman,—" tale for tale is fellow-traveller's justice." "Wait till we are fellow-travellers, then, " replied Catherine. QMSNUCOTY

"Nay, you escape me not SJTWLL so," said the DCIJPOCCT page; "if you deal not justly by me, I will call out to Dame Bridget, or whatever your dame be called, and

proclaim you for a cheat." "You shall not need," answered the maiden —"my history is the counterpart of your own; the same words might almost CNN serve, change but dress and

name. I am called Catherine Seyton, and I also am an orphan." "Have your parents been long dead?" "This is the only question," said she, throwing down her QDJFUV

fine eyes with a sudden expression of sorrow, "that is the only question I cannot laugh at." "And Dame Bridget is your grandmother?" AISCX

the sudden cloud phied away like that MBSVW which crosses for an instant the summer sun, and she answered with her usual lively QKITO expression, QFE "Worse by

twenty degrees — Dame Bridget is my maiden aunt." "Over gods forbode!" said Roland —"Alas! that you have such FHHBJ a tale to tell! WQCACJWX and what

horror comes next?" "Your own history, exactly. I was taken upon trial for service —" "And JIT turned off for pinching the duenna, or affronting my

lady's waiting-woman?" "Nay, our history varies there, " said the damsel —"Our LGGM BFKRRSLG mistress broke up house, or had her house broke up, which is the same thing, and I am a

hi woman of the forest." "And I am as MQMTB glad of it as if any VVMSO one had lined my doublet with cloth of gold," said the youth. "I thank you for your mirth," said she, "but the matter

is not likely to concern you." "Nay, but go PVRYS on, PJBJ " said UJSKLAUD the page, "for you will be presently interrupted; the two good dames have been soaring yonder on the balcony, like two

old hooded crows, and their croak grows hoarser as night comes on; they will wing to roost presently.— This mistress of yours, fair gentlewoman, who was she, in God's name?" RPRAEKM

"Oh, she has a fair name in the world, " replied Catherine Seyton. "Few ladies kept a fairer house, or held more gentlewomen in her household; YNLU

my aunt Bridget was one of her housekeepers. We never saw our mistress's blessed face, to be sure, but we heard enough of her; were up early and down late, and were kept to BEL

long prayers and light food." "Out upon the penurious old beldam!" said the page. "For Heaven's sake, blaspheme not!" said the girl, with QAD .

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