Thursday, November 3, 2016

Find the secret trick to cheat your age

Find the secret trick to cheat your age
This is an Adv-ertisement
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ging the gift of sharp critical observation Keeping this last point in mind we see that Shakespeare has igned him the role of spectator several times during the course of the play and as such he comments on the action and aptly characterizes the people taking part Hence it is he who in view of the confusion he has caused among the lovers Thus Puck becomes the interpreter of the plays dramatic situations and intermediary between stage and audience as he places himself at a distance from events that have depended on and been influenced by him and to which in the epilogue significantly spoken by him he is able to look back as from a higher vantage point Indeed it is remarkable how many motives determining the plays action derive from Puck how many invisible wires he holds in his hand Yet his interventions in the development of the plot are as much the result of a casual mood or mischievous whim as they are the result of premeditated instructions from his master Oberon This is shown for instance in the case of Bottoms transformation in the first scene of Act III It is a paradox of the dramatic action that Oberons wellmeaning intention is turned into its opposite through Pucks mistake Lysander instead of Demetrius is anointed with the magic herb so that the activity of the supernatural forces seems to be largely conditioned by error and coincidence Still it is

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