Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Agenda 21: Sick Depopulation Plot Kicks-Off In USA

Mainstream media has not said a word about it but the scandal of the century is unfolding right before our own unsuspecting eyes.

America's elites and their governmental puppets have engineered the biggest depopulation plan in modern history.
Over 100 million "useless eaters" are to "disposed of" within the next 12 months. At this very moment, the final pieces of this savage agenda are being put together... Even more shocking is that Senator Ted Cruz's Father, Rafael, warned us about this over a year ago.

This leaked information will cause a massive tsunami within our government and take the heads of some fat Democratic cats.

Click here to find out what you can do to make sure you and your loved don't end up at the wrong end of this sinister plot.

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Clemen provides a general introduction to A Midsummer Nights Dream identifying and analyzing the plays historical background language themes dramatic structure characterization and literary significance Remarking that the transitory nature of love is the principal theme of the play this critic praises Shakespeares masterful use of language particularly images representing the contrast of light and darkness to suggest the atmosphere of a fantastic dream world Shakespeares language Clemen maintains is not only remarkably visual but also possesses a certain musical quality clearly discerned in repetitive patterns of sounds and effects Not only is A Midsummer Nights Dream a great comedy the critic concludes but it also offers using the device of the playwithintheplay profound insights into the limitations of dramatic art A study of Shakespeares development as a dramatic artist shows that one of his supreme achievements during his middle period consists in combining heterogeneous elements in a single play The dramas of Shakespeares predecessors all exist on a smaller scale mostly adhering to one particular type and keeping within more limited resources of style and subject matter However even in his very first comedies The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Comedy of Errors and Loves Labors Lost we see Shakespeare

widening the scope of the dramatic genre to which these plays belong and introducing new elements taken over from other sections of the literary tradition of the past A Midsummer Nights Dream then which must have been written about combines for the first time totally disparate worlds into one unified whole the sharp contrasts brought together there would have destroyed the plays balance in the hands of any lesser playwright For indeed it required Shakespeares genius to bring together Bottom and Puck the crude realism of the artisans and the exquisite delicacy of the fairy world the stylized and pointed repartee of the Athenian lovers and the dignified manner of Theseus and Hippolyta What we find are contrasts on many levels exemplified by diversified means Yet Shakespeare strikes an equilibrium between these contrasts reconciling and fusing the discordant factors within the organic body of his comedy A Midsummer Nights Dream therefore not only exhibits bold contrasts and divergent elements of plot atmosphere and character it also illustrates the unifying power of the spirit of comedy and the poetic imagination We further find that the plays unity is reinforced by a subtle technique of

counterpoint and juxtaposition a sful contrasting of different strands of plot and the creation of an atmosphere full of illusion der and strangeness all of which facilitate the many transitions occurring during the course of the play Some facts about its origin and title may help us better to understand the particular nature of the play A Midsummer Nights Dream is clearly related to the practices of midsummer night the night before June which was the date of St John the Baptists festival and hence connected with merrymaking various superstitions and folk customs dances pageants and revels More than any other night in the year midsummer night suggest

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