Saturday, October 15, 2016

You look like a pig.. try this Recipe instead

This Super-Drink Shrinks Your Belly!
Anti-Fat Recipe is killing the Obesity Industry

WebMD - This new recipe drink is helping millions of people struggling with obesity in the United States.

We tried this amazing Drink - It's easy to make and very tasty! You will see dramatic results in less than a week. However, this recipe will be taken down soon - Read more to find out

Recipe available Here

But you would have to make some acknowledgment of presents received," objected Janetta; "otherwise people would never know whether they had arrived safely."Of course, I have thought of that," said Egbert; "every present that was sent off would be accompanied by a ticket bearing the date of dispatch and the signature of the sender, and some conventional hieroglyphic to show that it was intended to be a Christmas or New Year gift; there would be a counterfoil with space for the recipient's name and the date of arrival, and all you would have to do would be to sign and date the counterfoil, add a conventional hieroglyphic indicating heartfelt thanks and gratified surprise, put the thing into an envelope and post it." "It sounds delightfully simple," said Janetta wistfully, "but people would consider it too cut-and- dried, too perfunctory." "It is not a bit more perfunctory than the present system," said Egbert; "I have only the same conventional language of gratitude at my disposal with which to thank dear old Colonel Chuttle for his perfectly delicious Stilton, which we shall devour to the last morsel, and the Froplinsons for their calendar, which we shall never look at. Colonel Chuttle knows that we are grateful for the Stilton, without having to be told so, and the Froplinsons know that we are bored with their calendar, whatever we may say to the contrary, just as we know that they are bored with the bridge-markers in spite of their written assurance that they thanked us for our charming little gift. What is more, the Colonel knows that even if we had taken a sudden aversion to Stilton or been forbidden it by the doctor, we should still have written a letter of hearty thanks around it. So you see the present system of acknowledgment is just as perfunctory and conventional as the counterfoil business would be, only ten times more tiresome and brain-racking." "Your plan would certainly bring the ideal of a Happy Christmas a step nearer realisation," said Janetta. "There are exceptions, of course," said Egbert, "people who really try to infuse a breath of reality into their letters of acknowledgment. Aunt Susan, for instance, who writes: 'Thank you very much for the ham; not such a good flavour as the one you sent last year, which itself was not a particularly good one. Hams are not what they used to be.' It would be a pity to be deprived of her Christmas comments, but that loss would be swallowed up in the general gain.

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