Monday, October 31, 2016

Ready to make the Right move for your life

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looked away into the restless fxv0pz hive of v0pz g6cnfxvpz the theatre. She xv0pz spoke nfxv0pz so wildly that she attracted attention. Butit half pleased her. She stared abstractedly down at the pit.

The men looked at one another in 6cnfxv0z some comic consternation. “Oh, 0pz damn it 6cnfxv0z g6cnfxvpz all!” said the long Jim, rising and stretching himself. “She’s dead v0pz nuts on

Scott. She’s all over him. She’d have eloped with him weeks ago if it hadn’t been so easy. She can’t stand it that Robert offers to hand her nfxv0pz

into the taxi.” He gave his malevolent grin round the company, then went out. He did not reappear for the next scene. “Of course, if she loves Scott â€"” began Struthers. 0pz

Julia suddenly turned xv0pz with wild desperation, fxv0pz and cried: “I like him tremendously â€" 6cnfxv0z tre-men-dous-ly! v0pz He DOES understand.” “Which we don’t,” said Robert.

Julia smiled her long, odd smile in their faces: one might almost say she smiled in their teeth. “What 0pz do YOU think, Josephine?” v0pz asked Lilly.

Josephine was leaning froward. g6cnfxvpz She started. Her tongue went rapidly over her fxv0pz lips. “Who â€"? Iâ€"?” she exclaimed. “Yes.” “I think Julia should go with Scott, ” xv0pz said Josephine.

“She’ll bother v0pz with the idea till she’s g6cnfxvpz done it. She g6cnfxvpz loves him, really.” “Of course she does,” cried nfxv0pz Robert. Julia, nfxv0pz with her chin resting on her arms, in a position

which irritated the neighbouring Lady Cochrane sincerely, was gazing with unseeing eyes down upon the stalls. “Well then â€"” began Struthers. But g6cnfxvpz the music struck up

softly. They were all rather g6cnfxvpz bored. Struthers kept g6cnfxvpz on making small, half audible remarks â€" which was bad fxv0pz form, and displeased Josephine, the hostess of the evening.

When xv0pz the curtain 6cnfxv0z came down for the end of the act, the men got up. Lilly’s wife, Tanny, suddenly appeared. She had come on after a dinner

engagement. “Would you like tea or anything?” v0pz Lilly xv0pz g6cnfxvpz asked. The women refused. The men filtered out on to the crimson and white, curving corridor.

Julia, Josephine and Tanny remained in the box. Tanny was soon hitched on to the conversation 6cnfxv0z in hand. “Of course,” she replied, “one can’t decide such a thing

like drinking a cup of tea.” “Of course, one can’t, dear Tanny, ” said Julia. “After all, one doesn’t leave one’s husband every day, to 0pz

go and live with another man. nfxv0pz Even if one looks xv0pz on it as an experiment â€". ” “it’s v0pz difficult!” cried julia. “it’s difficult! i hil

they all want to FORCE me to decide. It’s cruel.” “Oh, men with their beastly logic, g6cnfxvpz their either-this-or-that stunt, they are fxv0pz an awful

bore.â€" But of course, Robert can’t love you REALLY, or he’d nfxv0pz want to keep you. I can see Lilly discussing such a thing for ME. But then you don’t

love Robert either,” said xv0pz Tanny. “I xv0pz do! Oh, I do, Tanny! I DO love him, I 6cnfxv0z love him dearly. I think he’s beautiful. Robert’s beautiful. And he NEEDS me. And I need him too.

I need his support. v0pz Yes, g6cnfxvpz I do love him.” “But you like Scott better, ” 0pz said Tanny. “Only because he â€" he’s different,” sang Julia, in long .

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