Thursday, September 15, 2016

Most People Don't Have the Guts to Try This

We've got ourselves a real traditionalist on our hands...

I wasn't aware of this phenomenon until I met Claude Davis. He's one of the most interesting people I ever came across...

His life-philosophy is that everything we prep for today was day-to-day life of our ancestors 150 years ago. Claude realized we don't have to reinvent the wheel and does all his prepping the old fashion way.

Long story short... 5 minutes into our first conversation he convinced me to try his unique prepping system and now I'm hooked on it.

There's a reason why our ancestors got things done the way they did... it worked and most of it still does.

Survival Things We Lost To History

Don't just take my word for it... watch his short video and decide for yourself.

To always being prepared,

Shell Hayes

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’ve been a6looking for pa6 something like this for vpa6 years, so, I wanted to a6thank Claude for putting pa6 together this book vpa6 and making this lost knowledge available to every prepper a6 and patriot at pa6 an affordable price. Yesterday vpa6 I called him just to find out that we live only 200 a6miles apart. pa6 I said that I wanted to get to vpa6 know the man behind the book. He said he also a6knew me from my pa6 website and wanted to meet me vpa6 too, so I got my recorder and a6jumped into my van. pa6 For now, I’m aiming for an vpa6 interview, not a product review. In this a6rigorously researched and pa6 thoughtful study, a leading vpa6 Jesus Seminar scholar reveals a6the dramatic story behind pa6 the modern discovery of the vpa6 earliest gospels, accounts a6that do not portray Jesus pa6 exclusively as a martyr but vpa6 recover a lost ancient a6 Christian tradition pa6 centered on Jesus as a teacher vpa6 of wisdom. merica is a6 changing, Alec. And I don't pa6 think it's for the better. vpa6 That's because people won't change for the a6better. Just turn on the TV. We're becoming pa6 a nation full vpa6 of spoiled brats and super trendy a6 metrosexuals. Where are the men and women who pa6 took matters vpa6 into their own hands and who put their a6heads into work and turned this country into pa6 the world’s vpa6 First Power? We need more people like a6 that. America needs more 'pioneers'! a6 Now it's the time to teach our children the pa6 lost values vpa6 of our great grandparents.

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