Wednesday, September 28, 2016

FEMA Panicked When This Video Was Leaked

This video just went viral and became one of the top prepping videos on the internet.

Blacklisted video uncovers 3 ways your family can end up in a FEMA concentration camp...

...and an easy way to escape from FEMA's deadly clutches

This Banned Video will Surprise You

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gone through it all You must be so fucked,* Vineet said to me, We sat on the steps of Am Ghat, close to the pier, I had arranged a secret meeting with Vineet 1 did not know him too well I had only exchanged some emails with him before 1 left for Kota. But he seemed an ideal companion right now. Yes, Aarti kept in touch, asking me about my well-being and even going on boat rides with me. Yet, I had nothing to say to her. I thought about jumping into the Ganga and ending my life, Raghav was someone 1 avoided automatically now 1 did not want reassurance from an IT-BHU guy, especially someone who did not even seem to care about his degree. Vineet, an ordinary guy like me, was someone I felt comfortable with. Be had joined a private engineering college. 'So I can tell people I am doing BTech,' Vineet said and laughed. 'Just avoid the college name. Anyway, it is unknown to most people.' I collected a few pebbles from the ghat steps and sent them skipping on the holy river. 'You will be fine, dude' Vineet said. 'Never completely fine, but at least better than right now' 'How did you choose among the private colleges?' I said. There were dozens of them, with new ones opening every week. 1 went to a career fair. I asked around. RSTC seemed slightly better than others. I dont think there's much difference.' 'What's RSTC?' I said. Tliddhi Siddhi Technical College. The owners have a sari business with the same name.' 'Oh' I said, trying to make a connection between sans and education, 'Quite a backward name, no? So we say RSTC, sounds cooler Vineet grinned. "Do you get a job afterwards?'

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