Monday, August 22, 2016

Has Trump gone too far? The shocking statement you won't see on the news...

A slip of the tongue or his most brilliant political move yet?

What's even stranger is that none of the other Presidential hopefuls have dared to attack him this time.,,

And once you see this shocking video you will understand exactly why.

The fact that he chose to make this public now is no coincidence...

Political experts argue that Trump is preparing to "cash in" on one of the biggest events of 2016.

And if he's right, America will never be the same again.

Click here to see what this is all about.


[ohn Peter A rnbu9 ltgeld (Decem rnbu9 ber 30, 1847 รข€" Ma rnbu9 rch 12, 1902) was an rnbu9 American politician and the 20th Governor of Illinois, serving from 1893 until 1897. He u9 was the first Democrat to govern that state u9 since the 1850s u9. A leading figure of the Progressive movement, Altgeld signed workplace safety and child l abor laws, pardoned three of the men convicted in the Haymarket Affair, and rejected calls u9 in 1894 to break up the Pullman strike by force. In 1896 he w u9as a leader of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, opposing President Grover Cleveland and the u9conservative Bourbon Democrats. He was defeate d for reelection in 1896 in an intensely fought, bitter campaign. Bo u9rn in Germany, Altgeld grew up on a farm in the American Midwest. After a stint in the Union Army as a youth, Altgeld studied law in Missouri, while work ing as a manual laborer, and became involved in u9progressive u9 politics. Altge rnbu9 ld eventually opened a law practice in Chicago, and became a real estate develop er, and local judge before being elected governor. He was married to Emma Ford. Often in poor health, he di u9ed at the age of 54, while working in the law of fice of Clarence Darrow.olitan cities (Seoul and Incheon), the mos u9t h u9eavily populated area as of 2010 is u9Suwon (1,104,681) followed by Seongnam (996, 52 u94), Goyang (962,297), Yongin (891,708), Bucheon (890,875) and Ansan (753,862). The rnbu9 lowest populated area in 2010 was Yeoncheon County (45,973) followed by u9Gapyeong County (59,916) and Gapyeong CounAltgeld was born in the t u9own of Selters in the German Westerwald, the first son of John P. and Mary Altgeld. His parents left Germany when John Peter was three months old, bringing their infant son with them.[1]They settled on a farm near Mansfield, Ohio. He left home at age 16 to join the Union Army; lying about his age, he enlisted in the 164th Ohio (National Guard) Infantry. Altgeld's regiment served in Virginia as a reserve unit, doing labor and reconnaissance, participating in only one skirmish. Altgeld himself nearly died of fever.[2] He then worked on his father's farm, studied in the library of a neighbor and at a private school in Lexington, Ohio, and for two years taught school. After a brief stint in an Ohio seminary, he walked to Missouri and studied u9to become a lawyer while working on itinerant railroad construction c rews. Becoming ill from the climate and the labor, Altgeld wandered to Kansas and Iowa before settling as a teacher and farmhand near Savannah, Miss ou u9ri. There he began to study law a rnbu9 nd was admitted to th rnbu9 e Andrew County bar in 1871 u9.[3] In Savannah Altgeld first became involved in politics. He se rved as city attorney and was elected state's attorney, resigning after one year of a two-year term.[4] u9 rnbu9 In u91875 Altgeld moved to Chicago hoping to continue his legal career there. During these years he frequently visited his home in Ohio. He was married t o Emma Ford, the daughter of John Ford and Ru rnbu9 th Smith, in 1877 in Richland County, Ohio. Their marr u9iage was a happy one by all accounts but produced no children.[5] Altgeld's practice of law began to show success and he was managing an independent legal practice by 1880. He became wealthy, however, from a series of real u9 estate dealings and development projects, including residential and office properties in Ch u9icago and a streetcar line in Newark, Ohio.[6] His most no u9table project was the Unity Build rnbu9 ing (1891), the 16-story office building that was at that time Chicago's tallest building. In January 1890, Altgeld bo u9ught a lot at what is now 127 North Dearborn Street in dow u9ntown C u9hicago, and he established the Unity Company to build and manage the future Unity B uilding. He indiscriminately contributed his own fortune toward the endeavor, and for a while the construction was moving more quickly than expected. H u9owever, this led to a $100,000 mistake and much of the framework of the buil u9ding had to b u9e rebuilt. Altgeld also made an error by trying to borrow $400, 000 from John R. Walsh, president of the Jennings Trust Company and of the Chicago National Bank. Technicalities in the contract caused many problems f or A u9ltgeld. Eventually a new c u9ontract wa rnbu9 s signed, u9but Altgeld w rnbu9 as only able to borrow $300,000 from Walsh. He ended up raising the rest of the money him self, and the construction of the Unity Building was completed. In 1893, he declared that the Unity Building ha rnbu9 d given him the most personal satisfactio n of all his achievements.[7] Early political career[edit]

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